Again, why are they told to address campus police and not the regular police department?
Again, why are they told to address campus police and not the regular police department?
It’s all projection. He nearly shit his pants when she chastised him.
Yeah, right. She had nervousness coming out of her whatever.
I’m sorry but you think that if you invited Donald Trump to speak that he somehow would not turn it into a political speech?
I fucking hate Ivanka so much. She’s a traitor to her gender and a piece of shit. She is just as bad as her father, just in a more “attractive” package.
“She wants to be the President’s daughter and the acting First Lady, she will lie with the worst of them to get what she wants just like the Donald.”
Facts are un-American. Why do you hate the troops?
I felt sympathy for Ivanka when she seemed to stick to “He’s my dad, he’s great” statements. Now she has waded into spouting brazen lies, and claiming media bias when presented with facts.
OMG when my son was little I used to take him to a play group that was at a rest home. Presumably the elderly folks would enjoy the kids, but as you know, people with Alzheimer’s sometimes don’t have filters, and one resident kept harassing this Asian family every week.
But what if someone guessed wrong and called him Chinese? Wouldn’t that offend him more than Asian? Just curious.
Yeah I don't understand what's happening here. The headline says she's not offended but the tweet indicates she's offended. The article says it's ok to call objects but not people Oriental but the tweet indicates she saw an object called Oriental. I'm completely confused.
I can understand that. I’m white, but I give elderly people a pass when they call me “Honey”.
I get where she’s coming from. I’m generally not offended if old people call me “colored” or a “negro” because really, they aren’t going to change and most of them don’t mean anything by it so whatever.
Yep, one of my elderly relatives, who has a Chinese grandchild, has dementia and has reverted to oriental to describe her much-loved granddaughter as Oriental. It makes everyone so mad and sad. Mad for the kid, who is so understanding, but sucks she has to be. Sad for Grandma because her five years ago self would be…
consider the asses you are referencing, rusholmeruffian.
Every member of that family is so far up his/her respective ass, I’m amazed they haven’t all just turned inside out.
Sonogram/ultrasound pics, especially if it’s one of those ultra-creepy 3D ultrasounds
I had to defriend a former classmate because she posted a new baby/kid picture EVERY SINGLE DAY! Like, your kid did not noticeably change from the day before. We also don’t care if they did.
Ok, but what if I hired a potty training consultant and I film it for the TV show I’m on? Is that cool?
“...An Austrian girl is suing her parents for posting photos of her getting her diaper changed and sitting on the potty without her permission, something she claims they’ve been doing since 2009....”
I would be upset too if I was still toilet training in 2016. She may have bigger issues.