
I want to hate him, but I am too turned on now to think straight.

Great. So now we can segue straight from worrying about Obama being assassinated by racist assoholes to Clinton being assassinated by sexist assholes.
Tell me again how that basket of deplorables comment of hers was wrong in any way, shape or form.

And yet, they get upset when you call them this.

Wait a minute. If Clinton is hanging there, then who came out of the apartment in New York....

Exhaustion doesn’t even begin to cover what I am feeling. NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!

Basket of deplorables? You don’t say....

Distant father’s are so odd once their children grow up. When I went to college my mom basically high-fived me and told me to do well. My dad kept calling me every day for like a month, complaining that I was gone.

My dad was extremely involved in raising us. He cooked, took us to school, did laundry, went on school field trips, helped us with homework- you know, parenting (my mom did these things too, obviously). And my mom was a SAHM, and neither of them is what you would call 'liberal'. Apparently he is some sort of rare life

I don’t understand women who put up with that behavior nowadays. I feel like that should be one of those questions that people ask each other before they get married/have a kid. Why would a man not changing diapers be a good thing or something humorous? I have no idea if my father changed diapers but considering our

Same dads who “babysit” their own damn kids.

Governor Matt Bevin is not afraid to say what unhinged, lightly treasonous fear mongers are thinking,

I feel like most of the women he would like to support him either are stay at home mothers or would like to be. I’ve known couples like this. I was telling this young mother about the first time my daughter threw up all over the place in the middle of the night and how I had to get my husband up to help. She looked at

Smokes, drinks, sleeps around, ignores children.

Fun fact: when my union was negotiating our contracts last summer increasing paid maternity leave for professors and staff was basically the first thing taken off the table because male professors on the negotiation team were all “but then we’d have to give dads paternity leave!” Heaven forefend!

“There’s a lot of women out there that demand that the husband act like the wife...”


I’m starting to think Donald has such an issue with bowel movements — from his wife to his political rivals and now even infants — because the man hasn’t had a healthy, satisfying shit since the Reagan era. I picture him straining away for hours a day on his gold-plated toilet, only to produce one bloody rabbit-pellet

tall girl fist up

Hey how come the Family Values group goes after LGBTQ but this ass gets a free pass?