Did you hear how much of a mentor Stephen’s become to the pool boy? The hours they spend together in his study!
Did you hear how much of a mentor Stephen’s become to the pool boy? The hours they spend together in his study!
That merch table though. “Red, White, and Better Than You”??? I thought the Christians were supposed to be subtle about their racism these days. Those are some godly, godly values.
I was so sad when the Tall Girl stores closed down! I used to stock up every time I visited someone in a city where one was located. I now get the Long Tall Sally catalogs from Canada but I just want to be able to try stuff on before I buy it!
My kingdom for a button down I can tuck into pants! That reaches the end of my wrists! That doesn’t leave a gap showing off my bra! - the tall, not-skinny woman’s cry
Given that runway models are notoriously tall, that makes as much sense as Lane Bryants models being a size 8.
Will Sean Ono Lennon be not mansplaining this project?
I’m a pear-shaped “inbetweenie” and yes, well-tailored clothes really are that hard. I don’t know why it’s so hard, but it’s rarity that I find something that I think is well-made, fits nicely, and worth what I paid for it. And I’m willing to pay for quality. Clothes are just shit now in general.
I just complained to Gap about having to shorten their “short” length pants, and I’m 5'4" and usually wear heels. They actually said they design them that way intentionally so I can customize them to my preference. THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF SELLING SHORT LENGTH PANTS?? My “preference” is to not have to alter…
I chafe (har har) a bit at the idea that all women must always be dressing to make themselves appear slimmer all the time, and above all else, and that that goes without saying. I’m not plus-size, so I don’t want to speak for them, but I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a woman of any size without some body…
Also, you’re not entitled to have Oprah pick your book! That’s the thing—it’s Oprah’s name on the goddamned book club; she can pick whatever she wants. Sit down, sad white lady.
and also:
It’s the same problem with “trigger warning.” Trigger warnings for people with PTSD who experience literal physical reactions to certain situations make sense. Trigger warnings in the sense of “Anything that anyone, anywhere, might find upsetting needs a content warning” are absurd. But the term is used in the latter…
Dear Sean Lennon,
A) Your father smacked women around but I doubt you learned your attitude to “the Jimi Hendrix boycott scenario” from John;
B) Men definitely condescend to women and have been used to doing it for at least 10,000 years;/ Let’s be honest.; and,
C) Finally, while some (very few in my personal…
Uh Lennon was an asshole racist wife beater...it’s in the blood
Yeah this guy is a grade A douchebro and all but I feel like the real story here is the girl saying she was abused by one of her band mates and yet they somehow have a restraining order on her? Or got her banned from Joshua Tree or something? What’s going on there? O.o
He’s mansplaining the word mansplaining. O_o
Please grow up and stop cos-playing your dead father and his mates, you fucking idiot.
Meanwhile, I told my therapist what mansplaining was this week and he (an older white dude) thought it was perfect and couldn’t believe he hadn’t heard what it was yet!