I’m so glad this dumb bitch is dead. I hope you are miserable wherever you are you cretin. No sympathy for this dead cunt.
I’m so glad this dumb bitch is dead. I hope you are miserable wherever you are you cretin. No sympathy for this dead cunt.
“Are we really talking about this?”
Not. Enough. Punctuation.!
How about they just ban Pat McCrory from using public restrooms?
I hope he gets molested in the bathroom by a transgender! Wow, I’ve really improved my campaigning skills after reading up on that NJ councilman’s political manifesto.
You know how the super, virulently anti-gay politicians and preachers always turn out to be cavorting with hunky young things behind closed doors? Methinks McCrory has a girls locker room problem.
i bet he loves his Subway
For those people who have these unique gender identification issues, which I emphasize with, we ought to allow the schools to make special arrangements for those people.
You know...
I laugh, because as my large family gets older, more family secrets spill forth. A courthouse marriage to conceal a 3 month pregnancy, the secret baby that my great uncle and aunt hid for a year then “adopted”, and the second secret baby conceived by my other great-aunt out of an affair that was birthed while visiting…
“The Daily Show” has been hit or miss since my boo Jon left, but they knocked it out of the park with this segment.
This. That glorious, rosy view of the past literally never existed. There was no wonderful time of peace and harmony where everyone all got along because they did what God (and his mouth-pieces on earth) told them to. People have always been ‘bad’ in the eyes of the religious right. There have always been beaters and…
Comparing her to Ann Coulter was dead-on. Unless all you lived for was attention, good or bad, how can you be a woman and hate women like she did? How can you have a gay son and hate gays like she did? How can you preach for 60 years that liberalism, social, sexual & political, was ruining our country and then support…
It also, like Schlafly, honors “the full-time homemaker.”
“We used to have a country, a great country, that was built on the stable traditional family...”
I was REALLY skeeved by a supercut of all the “sick burns” that were thrown at her during the roast. It was all sexist bullshit making fun of her looks...like...THERE’S SO MUCH MATERIAL THERE, WHY GO FOR THE SEXIST HACK JOKES?!?! I know we all hate her, but it doesn’t make that shit ok.
I can so easily believe it was both. Probably the purchase was big enough to be against store rules, and then the clerk acted like an ass about it instead of helping Zendaya out because she’s young and black.
Such a fucking loser so of course he tried to run for office. Powerless weak little men are the usual candidates.
And if that were the case, she would have seen that the ID matched the name on the card. Just feel like we’re missing some information here. Why didn’t she immediately summon the manager instead of making a video? Whatever happened to some good old getting people fired while they’re standing right there unable to…