
You know it’s sad when Jared Leto was a better method actor as The Joker. And I say this as somebody who loves Hiddles as an actor and can’t stand Leto so much that I want to be Edward Norton in that scene in Fight Club where he punches the shit out of Leto.

Labor Day does seem like a convenient end to a summertime contract...

Tom wanted the relationship to be more public than she was comfortable with.

she had three, now its just the two.

Me too and I have no idea why because I’m not particularly fond of either one

lol yah riiiiiiiiiiiight like anyone believes that TOM is the one who wanted to be public. sure.

Taylor doesn't wear Tom after Labor Day.

“Taylor was the one to put the brakes on the relationship.”

And I *JUST* got engaged Sunday evening. FUCK! I knew I should’ve held out a little longer...


Only going to become more and more common with so much of the country deciding that 4chan rhetoric politics is apparently an acceptable GOP platform.

Not only that but somehow fox is the one who ended up paying her even though she sued ailes. So he walks with $40 mil and doesn't have to deal with the lawsuit anymore. Must be a tough life to be part of that boys club. Smdh

Victim of harassment gets a settlement of half of what her harasser gets. Is this what Common Core math has wrought?

She seems very lean and wild game. I would suggest steaming would be preferable to roasting.

She was indeed a horrible woman, and the damage she did to the lives of women was incalculable. I was active in the movement to pass the ERA in the 80's, and every interview I did seemed to require to me to comment on her. She was a great diversion tactic, because instead of being asked about what the ERA would do for

I worked my ass off as a young to get the ERA passed. Phyllis got evolved with all her big money backing and did a ton of damage. Why? As she said, “women need to have the freedom to choose the role of wife and mother”.

Every time Phyllis’ name is mentioned, I love to take the opportunity to remind everyone that bitch used nannies to help raise her kids while she was on the road and shaming women who used nannies.

Bye, Phyllis.

Better late than never.