

This! My state was trying to pass one of these laws about six months ago and I was asked to sign a petition in favor of it in the ladies room at the mall as I was washing my hands! She had no idea she was talking to a trans woman. I’ve had women bum tampons etc. Yeah people you likely have already shared a bathroom

Pass me a Roll Tide.

Comfort yourself that you caught him totally with his pants down. Now he’s on the defensive, and he had to go get his wife to shillsplain that she isn’t controlled just because he tells her how to live.

I’m in Birmingham, AL, and I can say the same. I think everyone’s too focused on their love for Trump, sadly.

They need to ruin someone's lives since gay marriage is now legal. Trans people were the next big target.

Can they pass a law that if you can't be bothered to spell correctly when writing a law, you can write laws? Lazy bigots.

Some guy on the Target Facebook page was all “I won’t let my wife shop at Target anymore” and I was all “you won’t LET her???!??” And now both he and his wife have responded but I can’t make myself look because I’ll get too mad.

Proofreading is the devil’s handiwork.

Not just the protection of women. “OUR” women. The possesive kind of tells you all you need to know.

It’s because they can no longer shit on gay people publicly without risking a gigantic reprisal.

I'm okay with saying it is a city in Mississippi. Don't be shocked.

This is so fucking mean.

Do they not have proofreaders in Alabama?

I live in a southern city, and the outrage on social media is unbelievable. And in my city, the outrage is AGAINST this whole bathroom bullshit. My favorite social media post is the lady who posted that we ladies are more afraid of no toilet paper in the bathroom than who is peeing beside us. For once, I'm proud.

I said on another post that activists might want to consider organizing campaigns of conspicuous compliance with these laws. I imagine public opinion will turn when people who are too stupid to realize what these laws mandate actually see it in action.

Real question I have about transphobic bathroom residents, and also people who scream about people on welfare buying steaks with food stamps: who the fuck is paying THAT MUCH attention to the other people around them? I can’t remember the last time I made eye contact with a stranger in a bathroom let alone debated

I don’t understand how this can be real evidence. To quote Hannibal Burress, even a murder has a couple friends who can say some nice things about him.

I’m not sure what makes me angrier: That he asked the brother of one of his victims to write a letter on his behalf or that 40 other GOP assholes did.

he went to jail because he also hurt other rich white guys. If it was just us silly poors he just would have been "very sorry"