
That blonde kid is terrifying.

I am no fan of accusing anyone of being a bad Christian. Who is anyone to judge anyone’s relationship to his/her deity? But jeeezus. These people. They aren’t just getting into bed with the devil. They are getting into bed, kneeling on all fours, and taking it from behind with him.

I think of NPR people as I do academics. I was shocked to learn that many professors are filthy hippies despite making bank (or what I consider “bank”). They drive beaters and their offices are stupid cluttered and anything could be living under all those journals they hoard. Some of them even SMELL *nods at the

Look at Louie’s head in the photo! You can see where the horns used to be.

Confirming this from Alabama. We are, collectively, a bunch of fucking idiots and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

This time, though, the defendant is beloved by racists. Bigots love Cosby. He’s their guy who will confirm every horrible thing they think of African-American kids.

Go eat your sawdust, or whatever the hell it was you would not shut up about last year, Shailene.

Trump understands body language? That is laughable because he does not understand spoken language. Women and minorities have been saying they hate him for years, yet he still does not understand that as fact.

I am guessing an assistant filmed it because Bethenny does not have friends. Because she is awful.

The ex husbands who forbid the children being filmed are the smart ones.

Well someone better tell her, because Tom’s side piece is talking today. They are still hooking up!

Oh, Bethenny will for sure film her mom reunion. She does nothing privately. And Andy will air it.

What the fuck with the cellphone video of her boo-hooing in her old apartment? Does this woman do NOTHING without a camera pointed at her?

I would prefer not to watch her own the show anymore, but love her commentary on Watch What Happens Live. “It snows on NYC more than any other Housewives city. Believe and trust.”

Carole should end her run now before she drags herself further into the gutter. She was a serious journalist, writer of a bestselling memoir, and a Kennedy (sort of). Now she is making fun of someone’s eating disorder. Save face, Princess.

All season long, I kept trying to figure out who asked for her opinion on anything. She was straight up rude to Jules all season, and especially at Jules’ Hamptons house. Can she not muster up even a half-assed apology for trash-talking Jules’ eating habits while sitting in her home, which Bethenny also trash-talked?

I wear dark wash skinny jeans to my office job once or twice a week. Those baggy things Rachel Maddow is wearing in that photo in the other comment would be inappropriate, though. They look sloppy. But Maddow can do what she wants because she is Maddow.

Ok dammit. This shit has been going on for nearly 5 days now. Lena was clueless, said something dumb, and apologized sincerely. Are we not tired of piling on her by now? Is there an overtly racist famous person that we can move on to yet?

Stein probably broadcast this on Facebook Live. Which is why I had to unfollow her. My phone was dinging constantly because of her, and I swear Facebook removed the button that stops that from happening because I haven’t been able to find it in weeks. Anyone who goes live is getting completely unfollowed.