
Sooooo, all the trans people are still just going to whichever restroom they want, right? This is just a rhetorical battle at this point, isn’t it?

Slightly off the subject, but I hated showering after gym with the fire of 1000 suns, even with just “the girls”. Our school oddly had no shower curtains, just the stalls. I want my privacy, even from other women. I always thought PE would be more effective at the very end of the day: work your ass off while getting

It’s because WE are not running for office. I hope more of us will take the energy we had for Bernie and put it into running for local offices. If I didn’t keep moving so often, I would. Right now, local politics seem to be dominated by the Townies - those who never left, never experienced life elsewhere.

So many politicians’ social media being hacked. It’s an epidemic, I tell ya.

Famous for taking an insult from the skeleton lady who was not Joan Rivers on that bitchy fashion show on E! Also, famous (in my own mind) for having perfect eyebrows.

I would like to know the Vons ckerk’s side of this also. Because throwing a customer’s wallet seems a bit extreme even for the surliest customer service rep. Do not take this as my defending racist clerks - I am well aware they exist. This just seems weird. What about the interaction made it go 0-100 like that?

I should clarify: we never hear from her again on this subject. She probably will land at another network, but she will continue to take part in holding other women down, either with her silence or her politics in general.

She can afford not to sign an NDA in exchange for that money. But she’s a Fox News personality so she probably did. “I got mine, soooo...”

Prediction: Carlson takes that money and we never hear from her ass again.

Wait...the writers AREN’T writing Hannah as a terrible person on purpose? Whatever, I’m still going to enjoy the show, except I’ll be laughing at the writers, too.

You guys. Did you guys know that the average Fox News viewer does not know the extent of what happened with Ailes? Because so many of them use Fox News as their sole information source, they have no clue. Do your part and forward the New York Magazine articles you them. Wouldn’t recommend sending them Jez posts about

She’s not a hooker. She’s Trump’s nanny. And she’s doing a shit job of it.

I was under the impression that we all knew she was an escort at some point and were just too nice to say it.

Well even McQueen made some mistakes, dahling

I know what you’re saying. Marines are the most self-righteous of the military branches. Of course I respect them for doing what I am not willing/able to do, but on the whole I prefer not to hear their damn opinions. (Full disclosure: my parents were both Air Force and I grew up in an airbase town. Perhaps I am

Brianna wanted to join the military herself before she began having health problems.

She may want to tell all those people to stop parking in her back yard.

I love this show, but the first season was funnier. Except for the end scene last night - that was hilarious and I hope every season ends with a Brooke-party shitshow.

It would have been so much cooler had Heather just walked out herself. I like Heather, but she really miscalculated that move.

It was about Heather overstepping her bounds and attempting time throw Kelly out of a party she was not hosting, which was dumb on Heather’s part, but maybe more about Kelly needing a target. Kelly is basically a bratty middle-schooler, choosing girls to try to turn other girls against for her own amusement.