"Hi son, I'm from Vivid Entertainment. Have you given a thought to what you are going to do after your playing days are over?"
I was stuck in bed (up four flights of stairs) with a hip-to-ankle cast on my leg after dislocating my knee. The girl in the room next door went out for the afternoon and left her CD player on. Top volume. Just one song on repeat.
As awesome as that video is, it could have used some Super Furry Animals' "Ice Hockey Hair" playing underneath.
normally 4 minute trailers are enough for me. this one just left me wanting more
My friend who is a mega-Seahawks fan has maintained radio silence since I sent him the link to this video.
joints were definitely involved but Spike wasn't
Marshawn Lynch's self-financed films are not supposed to resemble my self-financed films in terms of production value.
That is a lot of history that has grabbed your ass
This is amazing.
Ditka, Mongo, & Jim McMahon all came to a bar/restaurant at the U of I in Champaign a couple of years ago for a fundraiser/luncheon. Ditka & McMahon both had to be flown into Chicago from different locations, while Mongo was able to take a provided limo down I-57 to the event.
On three separate occasions, and three different years, I had my butt slapped and/or pinched by Mike Ditka, Bob Hope and Ray Meyer; I was 29, 19 and 15. Match the ages to the individual. Hint: Two times involved marching band (once in college and once in high school), and the other involved a Cook County Circuit…
My only run in with Ditka and it wasn't very exciting:
"He reeked of Jim Beam and Slim Jims"
I usually hate videos of kids, especially overly excited kids that think everyone gives a shit about the dumb things they are saying.
THAT SAID, this kid rules and this was funny as shit.
THAT SAID, if I had to spend a day with this kid instead of just watching a two minute video of his antics I would probably off…
Good thing it's not your bag. Because it's totally mine, and let me tell you, not only is it an almost supernatural time sink, some of the "database entries" (i.e. stories) are also legitimately frightening. Like, can't sleep frightening.
Oh, it's a sort of... collaborative fiction thingy? About anomalous things that are creepy or just plain peculiar. It's fun, there's a lot of good stuff there if you like that sort of thing!
Ouch! I remember being 3 and enjoying taking my mom's Kotex, the big hospital ones with the nurse on the box, and taking the waxed paper off and sticking them to teh closet doors. They were like puffy stickers. :) fun!