I read the headline as "transparent butt heads" and was trying to envision what that artwork (?) might look like. #readingcomprehensionfail
I used to determine eligibility for SNAP (food stamps) and I used to cry weekly, at least, when I couldn't qualify some people. It was a shitty job....some days it was a good, helpful job, hut mostly it was pretty awful.
That is the worst. My friend was part of a missionary trip to Honaker, KY - a former coal mining town that was without paved roads, running water, and electricity. They accepted help with fixing up houses but would not accept the truckload of clothes, food, toiletries, shoes, etc. that were badly needed because they…
It is astounding. I live in SC, and our county is purple overall but solid blue in my city. The school district received a grant from the federal government that allows all the children at my son's elementary school to receive free breakfast, regardless of income. It's an amazing plan. Of course people in the red part…
It's even more insidious than that. There is such a stigma attached to asking for the help that is available that some people would rather go hungry (and their children, too) than reach out for assistance because they are ashamed and feel like they should "pulling their own weight" by their bootstraps like real…
It will always astound me that this happens in the richest countries in the world, all because some people want to make sure no one gets what they worked for for free, for any reason.
Most rip currents are something like 30 feet wide. NOAA has a lot of info here as well as a shorter video.
60s/70s coastal California was really, really great. Uh-oh, massive wave of nostalgia hitting! Sniff.
I grew up in and around the ocean. It's terrifying to watch tourists just charge out into the sea when they know fuck all about how to survive. The few times I have tried to intervene (hey dude, don't go head first over your bogey board in crushing shore break because you will break your neck) he has scoffed or been…
My husband is a surfer along Florida's Gulf Coast. (Not too much real surf...but whatever.) There are some horrible riptides and few lifeguards and every surfer here has saved many lives. My poor husband has pulled in at least a dozen as an occasional surfer. Some needed an ambulance and others weren't really even…
I live close to there. There's a chance anonymous surfer also wants to remain anonymous because he called in "sick" to work that day. Big waves last week equalled lots of "sickness".
Today, we are all surfers...
"But out of the blue,"
A woman is alive today thanks to a quick thinking surfer.
Your comment made me paws for thought.
This us bearly anything more than blatant pandaring.
I would like the job of watching surveillance videos for funny moments that can then be shared on YouTube.
Obviously, Thetruth2014 is full of shit. Ebola was not "started" in the US in 1990 for fuck's sake.