Hi! I actually wrote that bit of the bio when there was a sensationalized headline about ex lovers' sperm. It was ultimately changed to include "why you should side eye science headlines" which I think is pretty upfront about the topic at hand.
Hi! I actually wrote that bit of the bio when there was a sensationalized headline about ex lovers' sperm. It was ultimately changed to include "why you should side eye science headlines" which I think is pretty upfront about the topic at hand.
THANK YOU. This stuff pisses me off to no end. We're already basically illiterate when it comes so science in America and then we compound that by having the most absurd conclusions drawn from studies by journalists.
My honors program has me taking a seminar where we discuss science articles. Usually by reading the original paper (from a journal), and then the NYT or CNN article about it. I'm really starting to realize how important it is that the public has basic knowledge of science and research methods. And it's not only…
We have a doctor. Like, a real one, not one who plays one on TV. What is this world coming to?
I know I got really excited too! Also because I saw a bunch of people sharing that stupid fruit fly story and I rolled my eyes so much they almost got stuck in the back of my head!
YAY!!! A real, honest-to-God Science writer! Jezebel, you have answered our collective prayers!!!
A wonderful PhD comic illustrates this problem: http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php?n=1…
I think I could edit an entire book on understanding the modern world curated entirely from webcomics. I'd draw primarily xkcd and Sunday Morning Breakfast Cereal, with some Hark, A Vagrant! and Sinfest thrown in for variety.
They're in not only a crappy town, but a very strange one.
"Cramblett says she discovered the mistake when she and her partner requested another few vials of same donor sperm to have another child."
"Just move" isn't great advice for dealing with racism.
They do.
Mixed race person here. The title is incorrect - the baby is mixed, as she is the child of a black man and a white woman. You don't know a) what race, if one or both, the child will grow up to identify with and b) what she might end up physically passing as.
"suing the place that gave her to you isn't the best jumping off point"
They might be willing to endure discrimination themselves—but they don't want their child to endure more than she has to? Or maybe they're worried about talking with her about the specific type of discrimination that she will be dealing with when it's different from anything they've directly experienced?
Therapists get jobs everywhere, so they can afford to be handing out easy solutions.
Not for nothing, but suggesting coastal liberal bastions such as Berkeley and NYC as solutions for a Midwestern woman who lives in a small town seems tone-deaf. In actuality, moving to Cleveland or Cincinnati would be both reasonable and better solutions.
Depends on where you are. It sounds like her relatives and the town is homophobic already.
So this is how God is going to start punishing the lesbians. Interesting.