Because this keeps coming up despite being addressed in the article: the n-word is not in the original song. He added it in.
Because this keeps coming up despite being addressed in the article: the n-word is not in the original song. He added it in.
excuse me but im white so let me slowly explain racism to you in small words.
Holly Holm once knocked her into next week and she certainly doesn’t want to experience that again.
“In Wakanda, everyone had guns, and spears and everything else you needed.”
you kind of know what youre getting with Far Cry...
you kind of know what youre getting with Far Cry...
Time to step up Twitch and prove that your new Guidelines are more than just pretty words on paper.
I started dying when the NK national anthem played
Counterpoint: Anime was a mistake. :P
12th man hates 13th amendment.
While I do adore any and all ship content (especially Bastion, who fucks), I do hope the next Uprising event and cycle of comics/animated shorts add more lore to those who need stuff, and moves the story forward.
ESports now has its own version of “Buffalo Bills fans eating ass in the parking lot of the stadium!”
I mean if it wasn’t the doping allegations and chauvinism.
Was this level of trashiness what was missing for esports to be considered a real sport? We’ve made it ladies and gentlemen.
It really looks like crappy CG from a late-90s B-movie about aliens. His feet shuffle and his shoulders twist, but his head and neck are completely level the whole time. I need a GIF of it.
Watching him run is a strange experience. Like, I shouldn’t be seeing this happen, but there it is.
I feel bad for this guy.
We’ve become accustomed to games only having special challenges that almost any player could complete in the hopes of appeasing the “100% completion” crowd. I’m not saying this is necessarily a bad thing (accessibility is laudable), but it has made it difficult to have truly rare achievements (lowercase “a”)—…