It reminds me of the 'mediatronic' stuff from The Diamond Age- a logo that's meant to be animated. I suppose it's appropriate for the organization using it...
It reminds me of the 'mediatronic' stuff from The Diamond Age- a logo that's meant to be animated. I suppose it's appropriate for the organization using it...
Pretty cool list, although I'm curious as to why the Halo array isn't in here.
Pretty cool list, although I wonder why the Halo array wasn't included...
I wanted the game when it came out, and for $44 I can get it tomorrow. I pulled the trigger, but this means not spending anything for like the next month and a half.
This cutscene alone is worth the price of admission.
So let me get this straight- you're comparing the internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII and offenses against Muslim-Americans in the post-9/11 era to Sony overreacting to their console being hacked due to their own shitty security (Random numbers = 4 all the time every time. Stylish!)
@dubblechrisp: We don't face instant termination, we are instantly terminated. Manager on duty faces the possibility of sudden loss of job, too.
I liked the music and the presentation, even if it was a little seizure-inducing.
The inventory changes I wasn't such a big fan of. Yeah, there needed to be a better management system- having the game auto-gel lower-level upgrades or something would be nice or something would have been great- but that didn't mean they needed to get rid of it entirely. Two weapons each? Seriously?
Question: I'm using Canadian Kotaku because your new layout sucks for several reasons not related to this post. The bottom of the article says 'Contact information for this author is not available' but then I can just go up to the sidebar and find ''.
All I'm going to say is this: if Sony had actually vetted the encryption, this problem wouldn't have happened. It's not even like it was a crafty security hole, it was like "Oh shit, they're using a random number generator that generates exactly one number".
A second Tom Jane Punisher game would be a day-1 buy for me.
Holy shit if the combat is anything like this it's gonna be a day 1 buy.
@ApocalypseMeow: I hope not. I skipped the hell out of the stories in AC06.
@BreadKnight: It's just as true 7 years later.
@J.Bourne: Someone promote this man and call the discussion over.
Holy shit that trailer screams Trent Reznor Year Zero. Sounds like it and it has that same glitched out look the ARG had.
@ortizlgnd4: I think he was using extended mags. I thought the same thing when he nailed the three guys in a row.
Holy shit I want to buy this game SO BAD.
@Gabriella Creighton: No, but losing that much money over two shit games in a row (mainly XIV) kinda makes them stop and think.