That is a silly trailer.
That is a silly trailer.
@Lazthelost: What he means is that D9 was supposed to be Halo until Blomkamp and Jackson got the rug yanked from underneath them. Basically, Blomkamp showed what Halo COULD have been, and while I would love to see a Halo movie, I'm inclined to agree that Blomkamp's vision is gonna be pretty goddamned hard to beat.
My store is opening at 5 am, and I volunteered to open- I want to be able to go do fun shit with my friends that night.
@ethic: Less that, more Warren Spector deserves better than a Wii.
I'm really interested in this. It looks like they're fully fleshing this out- play it stealthy, play it loud, and I think it's gonna be brilliant. I want to see more.
@Snake123: CoD but with powers and stuff? So... Bioshock 2?
I'm kinda glad they died when they did. Why? Mercs 2 was not better than Mercs 1. Sure, you could run over trees and it was bright and colorful and fogless- but who in gods name targets a carpetbombing with a fucking smoke grenade? The story wasn't as good as the first one, either, but that's more of a minor gripe.
Here's why it sold like shit:
#corrections - 'soon' should be 'seem' - why does Alexander III soon somewhat reasonable...
I think this is a little bit like iTunes versus anybody else- of course nobody else is going to make it big because Apple got there first and got it right first. Steam was there first and they got it right first.
See, now this is a direction I wouldn't mind people taking. For as much crap as people give 'bald spees mehreens', science fiction gives the developers a remarkable creative freedom in that they can do whatever they goddamn want and not have to explain shit.
So can you use the 360 keypad for this or are you stuck with the onscreen keypad?
What's up with that video? It's like the wrong audio for the given scene...
@The Dead Kennedy: God, Adam Baldwin now does not sound like Adam Baldwin in this movie.
@warpwhistle: Wikipedia says improved WaW engine + texture streaming from MW2, so a little bit of everything?
@VincentGrey: The point I think is trying to be made here is that while everyone does sequels, Japan does it the most/worst. There are 29 Final Fantasy games since 1988, more than 50 Mega Man games since 1987- even Madden only has 22 games, and that's with a yearly release.
@VincentGrey: Halo is a bad example, I think. Over 10 years, Bungie has released 6 games, only one of which (Halo Wars) is even kind of peripheral.