What’s your take on smaller logos/stickers affixed to glass rather than painted surfaces? I kinda like my WAZE sticker on the back glass.
What’s your take on smaller logos/stickers affixed to glass rather than painted surfaces? I kinda like my WAZE sticker on the back glass.
I took the test with dark purple ‘97 Dodge Neon. I still miss that car. It finally died at 300k miles when it got rear ended by a Camry. It still ran, but was just not worth repairing.
Neutral: The biggest reason I would buy a pickup with an aluminum bed would be the rust resistance. In a vehicle such as a truck, the 700lbs isn’t a huge deal. Sure, lighter is better for fuel economy, but if I want fuel economy, chances are I’m not buying a truck in the first place.
I need an explanation. Was it being “washed” with a cannon?
Dafuq kind of sponge are you washing your car with?!?
My father-in-law drives a Civic. He also threatens to give it to me.
My best friend worked at a movie theater all through high school. 25 years later, and he still doesn’t eat popcorn...
I agree. Love the look, but a miata is still fun with the standard engine. The fun of the miata is not it’s acceleration, its the handling. I would imagine the added weight would have detrimentally affected the handling. I like accelerating as much as the next guy but I get the most enjoyment out of powering through a…
Yep. I love the way it looks, and if it drives well, then this is a good car.
Damn, son. Proofread that mess.
I don’t see the issue.
I suppose I should’ve been more specific...
Am I the only person immediately suspicious of some one with enormous hair and shoulder pads?
a honda del sol is as close to kei car, as a peterbilt is to a honda del sol