
Yeah, I’ve seen VW drag cars pretty much everywhere I’ve seen VW’s.

She should play the mother of the Shaw brothers - out to avenge her sons.

the guy prolly has a BMW m3, but never takes it to the track and abuses it like it should be.......all the time.

I'll give credit where credit is due for it's innovative features, but man that shit is just an ugly ass car. Leave it to R.I.P.

Going to Monster Jam tomorrow, this awesome lady did a good job letting me know what it's all about. In the event she missed a few key details, what do I need to know!?

Not that I'm an angel but there is one rule I always follow and that is NEVER be rude or mean to people who are providing you a service. Bar tenders, waiters, delivery boys, etc. Their job sucks. They don't need you being a dick to them on top of it. Even when a waitress/waiter messes up I do my best to not make an

It's so you can hunt animals from the driver seat. its a jeep thing.

I hate it when people refer to a 7 year old car as "old" and 15 as "too old".

How could you forget the Fiesta ST?!?!?!

SRT: What's fuel economy?

what hapens if you answer "F you, Siri! ??

Unless you bought an Oldsmobile Aurora previously owned by the shortest old lady in history, and you can't get the seats to reprogram, so every time you get it you get slowly and firmly mashed into the steering wheel.

Also, if someone is shooting you outside into your windshield, you can't adjust the seat back quickly with power seats.

I kind of agree with you there. My car has a power driver's and manual passenger's seat and it's definitely easier to adjust the manual one to be comfortable enough. More choices just invites more indecision. However, once I've adjusted it correctly (which does take weeks of fiddling), I feel better in the driver's

Subaru will pay for 100% of the towing cost for warranty covered work. I know this from personal experience after having my transmission go out in my SVX 150 miles from home.

You're going to give us a series of articles on the restoration process, right?