
There are not a whole lot of successful models to try to replicate, and all are equally outlandish. Let’s try the 2010 Heat model of clearing the entire cap sheet and throwing max contracts at the three best free agents in a historically great free agent class, one of whom is a top 5 all time player, and hope they all

Embiid is an RFA in the summer of 2018, which means the Sixers have up to five more years of contractual control over him. That is plenty of time for that core to become a serious contender. Sure, he might go the way of Greg Oden. He may also go the way of Stephen Curry, who also had serious injury concerns during his

I hope you’re not seriously trying to imply that Hinkie intentionally drafted bad players so that he could keep losing.

And this is the valid criticism of the Process: that Hinkie sucked at drafting. If that was Deadspin’s argument it probably wouldn’t get much pushback. That isn’t, however, the criticism that Deadspin likes to push. Deadspin’s argument is that strategic losing is inherently a con hatched in the buzzword-addled Silicon

“The Sixers could become, in other words, exactly the kind of basketball team that Hinkie and his Process cultists viewed with contempt—a team with no plausible chance of contending for a championship in anything close to the near term, but one capable of game-to-game feistiness.”

I-70 in Colorado is unquestionably the best interstate in the continental U.S. The worst is any interstate in New Jersey.

On the bright side, maybe this is step 1 in the NCAA’s secret plan to become an umbrella organization cracking down on the social media presence of all Donalds.

In Martellus Bennett’s defense, every end of the pool is shallow after Jason Whitlock does a cannonball.

More like Mr. Met the chopping block tonight, amirite????

I adblocked pretty much everything on Barstool’s site just so I could read MMBM and it still crashes my browser if I keep it open more than 5 minutes.

Now playing

Hopefully Ukraine’s social media interns are also familiar with Seinfeld, for when the situation calls for it.

Not before cost overruns make that $500 inflate to $500,000, causing Cobb County to have to close the kid’s school.



If only Stephen A had been there to help him remember Slava Medvedenko as well.

Not surprising, given that Lil’ B rarely raps about it.

If there were no salary cap and no max contracts, some teams would undoubtedly spend more, and then all teams would have to spend more, increasing both the potential risk and reward of building a team. 

How about shortening the lineup to 6 players? How about creating a cadre of robots that throws 5,000 pitches per second to allow for simulation of the entire season? How about summarily executing all players from the 25 man rosters of any team involved in a game that exceeds 45 minutes? We must examine all available

More like Enes Kantusehispassportanymore, amirite?

Given Zaza Pachulia’s (lack of) coordination, if he was actually trying to injure Kawhi Leonard he would have probably tripped over himself and decapitated a fan in the second row.

Rolf was asking for it.