
How does the boot taste?

This is the most defensive response to one of these I’ve ever read. You don’t say 1st gen, you just list a “twin” that wasn’t there in a 2nd gen and then bitch about reading comprehension?

I mean, if you want to be a pedantic ass, you didn’t even answer the prompt right. The 1st gen Talon is a triplet. Reading

Hey bud, it’s 2024, can you stop saying “ghetto” maybe?

You’re right, it’s way better to lionize this guy because he was an actor, papering over his disgusting behavior.

How the hell is that limited to Black culture in America? Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Kevin Spacey, Jimmy Page, Steven Tyler, Joel Madden, Jerry Seinfeld, and freaking Edgar Allen Poe would like to have a word with you.

I grew up in Houston, and unlike with most places where the average complaint about drivers are actually applicable everywhere, it truly is a unique driving experience.

Now, that translate well when you stay there long enough to get your driver’s license and then immediately move away, but that’s a whole different

Sure, bud. It’s the Porsche owners who have fragile egos. Not the vapid man-baby who buys entire companies on a whim (only to burn billions by failing by every conceivable metric) and his bootlicking fans.

So simple, so true.

There have been countless studies which indicate that writing things by hand forms a much stronger connection with the concept in your mind.

Right, government is the problem. We should just allow a free market, where the people who have the most money can dictate prices, leaving normal people entirely bereft of options. Oh, wait.

Unrelated, but “smacked the black off me” is something I haven’t heard in like 10 years and made me spit the water I was trying to drink at the time.

aww, gross.

uh, that he was a terrible person, not that you’re unwilling to forget it now that he’s dead.

It’s the closest thing we’ve got to a modern Snatch. I had fun with it 

They initially pitched a script called Ari / Alexa about a Hasidic teenager falling in love with AI, but it didn’t focus test well

Wanting to end Zionism isn’t hate speech, unless you somehow know so little about Zionism that you equate it with Judaism, which is on you.

Or do you just assume that the many hundreds of thousands of Jews who are likewise protesting genocide are somehow against their own religion?

Because live animals don’t emote like cartoons. Which, of course, may lead you to ask “why not make this a cartoon?”

Kinda weird dismissing this guy’s Alex Jonesian rants about SJWs and cancel culture as “being a crank.”

Unfortunately, I think you’re a bit off the mark. Hating us would imply that they feel any emotion towards us at all. We don’t truly exist to them, they’ve written us off as so utterly unimportant that spending any time or energy considering us as people would be a waste to them.

I met Muttonchops Martin back in 2012 and I thought the same thing.

To summarize:

1. Be white.
2. Lick boots.
3. Hope the scary man with a gun feels like being nice instead of ruining your life.

In what world does this sound sane?