James Van Der Beek and his wife have just given birth to....
No, no, no. The wife gave birth, just as she was pregnant and not the both of them. Let's quit that kind of bullshit phrasing.
James Van Der Beek and his wife have just given birth to....
No, no, no. The wife gave birth, just as she was pregnant and not the both of them. Let's quit that kind of bullshit phrasing.
Pharrel's Hat? What doesn't have its own parody twitter account these days? Parody Twitter accounts take one joke and run it into the ground
Thanks. I just felt like a dick making the comment because it felt kind of like going into a story about a serial killer to point out his middle name is Dwayne, not Wayne. But you're right — it's important to recognize how long this has been dragging on.
This is so tremendously sad.
Other people have already pointed out that Olivia de Havilland is still alive, as well as two other cast members, so I'll just make a note of how long it took Doug to mess something up...
Erm, unless I'm mistaken, Olivia de Havilland is still alive?
Yeah! I was all, Olivia de Havilland died?
Alicia Rhett was not the last surviving cast member of Gone With the Wind; she was simply the oldest. There are now three left, including Olivia de Havilland.
Olivia De Havilland is still alive. So. Still a cast member left.
Uh, no. Melanie from Gone with the Wind is still alive. She survived her sister Joan Fontaine, and she lives in France in all her fabulousness.
I'm not talking just about jail. I'm talking about the collective shrug people give R.Kelly because his victims are Black girls. I'm talking that he carried on a very, very public relationship with a 15 year old, claiming that they were married (Aalyiah). I'm talking about the fact that there is a widely seen video of…
Firstly, I'm glad you're *finally* addressing this hot potato the way it ought to be and here's to you for doing a respectable job with this article. On the flip side, though, I've still gotta ask an honest question: what's up with Jezebel's complete and total about-face on R. Kelly as compared to its…
When "Black Panties" came out I thought it was a parody because of the album's lyrics and title. When I realized it was legit I must admit I made a few jokes and dismissed it. I had a vague recollection that R. Kelly was accused of something, but couldn't remember exactly what. While tracking a marketing story about…
Woody Allen, Michael Jackson, R. Kelley, Chris Brown, Roman Polanski, Ben Rothliesberger, Jameis Wilson, Julian Assange, ...so many. So many.
And the most morally bankrupt argument I've heard on excusing and dismissing the horror of their actions is, "But they are artists/athletes/whistleblowers! The world NEEDS…
Indeed, Chappelle and South Park turned Kelly into a cartoon character to laugh about and say, "Ah, that's our R. Kelly!"
That is perhaps the starkest and most damning takeaway from DeRogatis' investigation and the national media's response to it.
Thank you for this. The lighthearted article a week ago on Jezebel re: Kelly's latest "opus" was rage-inducing.
Disclaimer: survivor of adolescent sexual assault here.
Which is probably fair, no? Hundreds of people commented on that piece a few weeks ago, because they already knew it was in outrageously poor taste. I'm glad this was posted, but it doesn't really justify or explain that blunder.