Didn't she once say that she isn't a feminist though?
Didn't she once say that she isn't a feminist though?
If abortion is "murder," then why should there be any exceptions at all? And if aborting a pregnancy conceived in rape is morally acceptable, but aborting one conceived in love is not, isn't childbirth just physical punishment for a woman experiencing sexual pleasure?
"Not working?'' I think. I almost foam at the mouth in disgust, but I try to be pleasant.
The GOP chose to politicize something so emotional to gain votes from the public and now that they're finally realizing how out of hand it's gotten, they can't even get enough votes to pass restrictions. So really it's backfiring MAJORLY.
If we want to be more realistic (sorry), we need a bi-partisan solution where women (and even men!) win in the end. That is, we need affordable access to birth control and sexual education, regardless of age, employment status, color, religion, etc.
And I'm sure the rapists didn't make any mistakes. Really, I'm sure they knew exactly what they were doing and that's why they should be held responsible.
I think any woman who votes to take away reproductive rights is creepy and definitely a little fucked in the head.
WOAH Mike Huckabee got fat, when did this happen?
The state will assemble a child fatality review board to determine whether the parents should be charged with a crime.
Crazy how lucky he was not to bleed out.
I'm late to the game you guys! But I just had to post this picture of my cats, Mika and BaoBao. Mika is almost 2 years, BaoBao is 9 months. I was super afraid when I adopted BaoBao in June that he and Mika wouldn't get along (I got him so he could help keep Mika company when I was at work, since I have a full time and…
Rice porridge. Rice porridge. Rice porridge. Let me clarify: RICE PORRIDGE.
I can't wrap my head around the fact that so many men seem to prefer the "cute but not very opinionated" type of woman, and shy away as soon as a woman is smart/opinionated.
Hey there!
I live in KCMO, one of the states with the lowest costs of living and the highest value of the USD.
First of all, kudos for you trying to cut back. That is not easy whatsoever.
In less sexy, and frankly, kind of sad Amber Rose news, her family didn't attend her wedding to Wiz Khalifa because he's black, which "still upsets her to this day."
Holy shit that original song was pretty good.
Citizenfour was really good. Very disappointed to see David Oyelowo snubbed because he was great in Selma.