As a previous altar girl I'll say that I really sucked at it.
As a previous altar girl I'll say that I really sucked at it.
I don't know if she's really an assassin or not but I do know that this story is pretty fucking awesome.
I don't even see the sexual tension at all. I just see a deep admiration between the two.
Why won't these two get platonically married yet?
I'm sorry if I sound stupid for being shocked at this, but 50 GIGS?!?!?
Just what Buddah wanted: People to have excess amounts of money that they could then use to buy meditation beads.
My brain did a "ruh ROH!" after watching this, I'm not kidding.
Never heard about this until you brought it up. Holy shit.
He's just trolling us now right?
I think at a lot of high schools (mine for sure) you weren't/aren't allowed to bring a date over a certain age. So that's probably why they shut it down.
It seems like everyone has a different experience with it, especially for women like myself that have not been pregnant before. I think I made mine worse by being really nervous, and as soon as they dilated the cervix (even though I took 800mg of ibuprofen beforehand) I starting crying and hyperventilating while the…
"Just go down there and spray that orange stuff a few times every day."
Especially when the amount of white supremacy groups has steadily increased since 2000... wait...
I just want to understand why people think victms are responsible for their own rapes.
I almost think the US Senate and House will try to pass extreme anti-abortion measures, almost too extreme for the GOP, so that they won't pass/Obama will veto them and then they can go "Oh look! The Dems don't care about precious, rosy-cheeked, chubby babies growing inside of a woman's uterus at the time they get a…
Very interesting piece. I hadn't heard of this story before. Also, I get freaked out but also intrigued by creepy, weird conditions women (or men) can have involving zygotes or fetuses (like lithopedians).
I tried to start AHS: Coven this 4-day weekend and just couldn't get into it. And I liked the first two seasons! Is it just me? I guess I didn't like the characters and felt that even though it's supposed to be a bit campy, it was almost too campy, to the point that I felt they were really straining to support a plot.
If the age of roles was similar in Hollywood, he'd maybe have a leg to stand on. But throughout American film history and still today, there are many male roles featuring older men while women's roles are expected to be in a younger age range. That includes younger women tied with older men, not vice versa. Older and…
YES. This is like The Exorcist type shit.
Am I the only one who bought a Diva Cup and then could never fit it inside of my vagina? I bought the smallest one, used lube, etc. I was really disappointed.