
XenoBlade Chronicles is not "vintage". It's three years old. Does that make Battlefield 3 almost vintage too?

It was Anthony THE WEINERMEISTER at it again!

I just got married to my lovely gf of 13 years. It feels too good to be true. I keep thinking someone will take it all away. I really cannot believe it.

Mmmmm......Blueberry pizza dough!

30% more fabric and thread. The other costs remain the same, so the item wouldn't be 30% more expensive to produce, right? And also? If they're only making 19% on a $98 pair of yoga pants, they are doing something seriously, seriously wrong.

Wait, how many porn documentaries are there?

Hey, it was Texas. As long as he didn't have any tampons in the car, he was fine.

Noooo, no, no. Get out of my state.

People do shitty tags in real life as well, so i guess its kind of realistic to put idiotic tags in video games as well.

what do you call someone who doesn't have a body or a nose?

I've always thought apologist should mean something different than what it does.

It's the Zimmerbat!

Holy. Crap. I forgot about peaches and cream.

The older I get, the more I love grey beards and temples. It's hot as hell! My man is 34 and juuuuust now finally getting a little tiny bit of temple grayness. He's dreading it, I'm loving it!

Gah! Tell your friend when we post qualifications, they're the lower limit!

What? What am I supposed to do? Get pregnant so my periods stop so I can enter the Capitol buil....

Wait, these are grown ass adults, right? Not the cast of The Little Rascals? :|

Dont get me wrong—I think staffing companies can be an utterly invaluable bridge to employment. We help a ton of people find great permanent jobs, and help a ton more with beefing up their skills, padding their resumes, and boosting their incomes. A staffing company just should never be the only tool in a job seekers

Yup! The same lady who made this bill also tried to limit prenatal care in the past..... like... huh?!

...and the human flesh of your prey?