
Whomever she appropriated giant teddy bear dancing from (I think it is teen Japanese style circa 2-5 years ago?) it can go right back in a box.
Gigantic ridiculous bears? Ugh. It's like watching someone's really awkward teen dry humping phase, where they are not sure if they want to play with dolls or get sexed up.

Ditto the headdresses. I am starting to get annoyed at everyone labeling anything Native as "cultural appropriation", though, because if it is in a Native person's shop, with a price tag on it, you are free to appropriate the hell out of it. Those funds are needed, because everyone of every ethnicity has bills to pay.

Heyo, I still have family on reservations. 1) They depend on income that includes selling traditionally made items like turquoise rings.
2) No, nowhere at all, is "haha, I am going to dress up from the neck up like I'm Native American, but from the neck down it is alllll sex" in the same category as buying something

Is that even gyrating? I mean, she is more kind of "leaning around" and giving shifty eyes.

Edited to clarify: Comment meant for many of the commentators, obviously not saying that Dodai doesn't get to have this conversation. She does, because she is actually affected by it. So maybe we should take the queues from the article, not drag in every thing and person every that we can possibly turn into the

Except that this is not based on weight- it is based on the BMI, which has been disproven so many times that its use should be taken to task in the courts as malpractice.
It is not educational, it is not a discussion of health and body types, it is a label thrown at people whose height times wight with a random number

Cool, but realize: I am going to intentionally inflict the most emotional distress possible on thin Dementia and Alzheimer's patients when we are all old. I want them to suffer in the knowledge that maintaining a low body fat directly correlates to their current state, and that they brought this on themselves and

Instead of creating better, more effective drugs for treating things that cause obesity and can actually completely derail any medications that aim at nutrient absorption alone? Yes.
Why create a functional T3/T4 replacer? Why bother with studying better pancreatic boosters? Why research a cure for pituitary

I posted a response to another comment that I will paraphrase here: I have had serious, potentially fatal emergencies missed due to multiple doctors blaming my weight, as well as their missing Anorexia until my school made it clear that I was very, very unwell- All due to BMI. I ran track, rode horses, have always

I potentially will face ovarian cancer within 5 years, I have antibody markers showing that I may already have the beginning cells, and I have had surgery to remove massive cysts causing serious symptoms (sudden loss of consciousness, dangerously low blood pressure, ovarian torsion, infection)

Exceptionally smart people are generally dickish beings, but they either do not realize they are being dicks, or have been told they are dicks and do not know how to go about fixing this. They don't say things in an effort to upset others, they just speak the way they would speak to a room full of copies of

My kid is one. She will stop being one when she turns two. I am not calculating every time someone asks her age, and I am also not keeping a running tally on "number of months kid has lived". Nope.
BUT- While shopping for her, I saw clothing with "48 months" tags. That is a size (sometimes) and would be 4 years (4T is

You're right! However, you miss two points yourself: Not all people in less developed countries are black, which is kind of a big one, so glad I could help you out with that. Must have been weird for you to see pictures of Central American people.
Also, people in poorer countries have real, tangible problems. There

This is a common complaint from people who have "fur babies" and think that it is somehow the direct equivalent of actual children. It is not. It is not as expensive, it is not nearly as important, and it makes them seem a bit out of touch. Read: They come off as total assholes to everyone else, including non-parents.

I always wonder in these cases whether it was actually extorted, or if this is just some of what was caught in a wide net when they went after actual abuse of power. There is no way for us to know if this was a demand, or if someone felt that because of this person's position of power, it was in their own professional

Just making sure I understand this: You just commented on an article about racist and homophobic comments.... with a comment about a kid because his outfit makes for a good kind-of-sort-of-not-outright-homophobic joke?
You are right, it was probably not the men's department. One reason is because he is eight years

Just come up with a basic mode of response for levels of behavior (kind of annoying, pretty bad, holy shit did you kill the cat) and have an outline. Everything else is off the cuff, and has to be. Until shit happens, you are not even aware of what the possibilities are. My youngest sisters are under 10. My mother obv

Hahahaha, you have never seen a child throw a television at another child, have you? It is for locking them in. Their room should never contain anything they are capable of harming themselves with, and the parent has to stay by the door at all times. It is a calming mechanism, which lets them retreat to a safe space

The PCOS diet does wonders for me- a Celiac with severe PCOS. Getting ovaries/uterus/cervix removed (high cancer antibodies that refuse to abate and "precancerous" lesions on ovaries? Nope, nope, nope.) but planning to stay on PCOS diet afterwards unless I start seeing the opposite results. It keeps my blood sugar,

Had never heard of them before. This could be the best discovery. Thanks!!