
Preach Rooo!

I guess its better than them asking for a Quebec City weather report?

Thats what I wanted to clarify. I don’t share the same opinion as him.

Also I meant “your” rather than “our”. I made the mistake of replying too early in the morning and using my phone.

I had a typo in there that I can’t edit (this is what I get for replyng on my phone at 6am). I mean the “our” to be “your”. I wish Kinja would let me go back in and edit that.

Good to know. It felt a bit pedantic when I was writing it at 6am before coffee :). I always feel like its important to mention that no USA (insert sport here) is actually government funded or run. None of them technically can claim that they represent the US because they do not have official backing by the

So US soccer is not a government agency. It's a private organization. Its pedantic I know and doesn't change our point but she isn't employed by the United States.

I have an uncle who works for a big UK insurance company and they insure satellites and launches. Its not cheap and its pretty high risk but basically every launch is insured.

Spotted cow is such boring shit. I will say that two women is pretty good, and thats about it. New Glarus is a nice little town to visit though.

God fuck Therrien. This god damn team. =(

I still have a few drinks, but a few years ago I really started to cut back and now I go weeks without a drink. While I still go out occasionally to meet up with friends I keep it limited to one or two with dinner (I like not feeling like death when I wake up), but in making this change I lost a lot of friends.

This article really resonated with me. I live in Wisconsin right now and drinking is a constant thing here. When I was in high school I promised a friends girlfriend at his funeral (He hung himself after doing cocaine) that I would hold off on drinking a bit, so I didn’t really start until after I turned 21. I never

As someone who grew up in Madison and went to the UW (and as someone who keeps on getting really good jobs here) I can confirm all of this. I cannot wait to move away and never come back.

It does help. Those black helicopters don’t come cheap.

It was being discussed but it looks as though its been scrapped for now.

Having worked at the UW for a while (I am not longer there) I had to say that it is a bit surprising and as others in this thread have said his family may have forced it. That being said the UW athletic department is corrupt to the core so it shouldn’t be surprising that either stuff was hidden or it just wasn’t found

They are there but I don’t think it’s a huge foothold. They mostly complain about how Toronto hates men and how they all need to move to the woods or something.

I need to really get good at French. I am Canadian but grew up in the US (my Dad is from Montreal) and I really like Quebec. Should I and some future wife ever decide to have kids, it’d be nice if my future partner and I have flexibility like this.

I have yet to meet a Latvian I don’t like. My time in the UK was cut short due to financial issues at my old company, but the Baltics are still high up on my list of places to visit when I get a chance!

I was living in the UK during the 2014 olympics and one of my cab drivers was from Lativa. We talked hockey as I was going to the airport and he was loved Girgensons. It was a really fun conversation. I learned more about Latvia and sports than I ever thought I would.