
The relationship between the European and the African in the New World (especially in the US) has always been one of economics. The race riots of 1919 shows this clearly with the white worker attempting to oust the black worker from the labour markets of the industrial North and it finally culminated in the

“Where can I get some of that? Asking for a friend.”

I know. 1945 Rothschild?! Monsters. That stuff tastes like Hitler’s piss.

Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.

Nope. That argument went out the window when Trump was elected.

That’s bullshit a state like California couldn’t survive on its own.

Well Blue States could also try to remove the 438 representative limit. Right now the more populous states are underrepresented in the House. Liberals would probably have control of it otherwise. Also, if you’re really social justice, we could try and make gerrymandering illegal since it’s the worst thing our

And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?

McNelly, the DeVos aide, went on, “In fact, she has received more letters of support to the Senate HELP committee than all U.S. Secretaries of Education combined.”

HAL.... did someone pulled all of the fucking CPU boards out of your racks???

With net neutrality - If I want to change careers and start a small business, Darth Pumpkin’s Web Store, the rules require internet providers to give the same priority to traffic for my website as traffic to Amazon.

Is America not a first world nation anymore?

And that’s the problem. Too many in this country think the Internet is a First World Problem. It’s the 21st century - that’s not the case anymore.

“Clearly you are just repeating a liberal buzzword without making an actual point.”

It’s LITERALLY the first thing that comes up when you Google “Net Neutrality”.

You really are that ignorant! If content from companies paying ATT is free...and you have to pony up for content from everybody else, that impacts everybody’s internet.

Clearly you totally misunderstand the critical importantce of Net Neutrality.

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.

And this is Nermal.

“I don’t like it so clearly if someone else is fine with it, there’s something completely wrong with them!”