
Good parenting and frankly sounds like good adulting by everyone involved in the movies.

I’m not alleged-victim blaming, but I were ever in the position to hire a nanny, I would never pick one who’s younger and more attractive than me. My girlfriend (who is young, bouncy, gorgeous, sheer physical perfection) used to nanny, and I can’t understand how wives weren’t terrified of her.

All of those Harry Potter kids seem to have grown up to be such lovely adults.

Luke Perry should take a few tips from Daniel Radcliffe. Here you go, Luke. How not to be an asshat, lesson #1.

*reads article*

If you feel like you want to have a Camaro land on your roof, you want to be in a Subie. Subaru roof strength is legendary. Firefighters need special tools to cut a Subaru’s reinforced B-Pillars.

Oh, also, there’s huge matters of good taste here, since selfie sticks are the new Crocs and Socks combo.

It doesn’t bother me when they try to write comments about how ugly my kids are, because they are exceptionally beautiful and anyone can see that.

There is simply no reasoning with these paranoid nutjobs. As someone with severe asthma, I get my annual flu shot in late summer and worry until March that someone who’s decided they’re a special snowflake will give it to me (because vaccines don’t have to be 100% effective to be beneficial and necessary).

This weekend an unvaccinated six year old boy was the first person to die of diptheria in 28 years in Spain. His parents rejected getting him vaccinated and now he’s dead. A vaccinated child is much better then a dead one.

JP: No, I am not related in any way to Natasha McKenna nor do I know anybody who is or anybody who knows her. That is a very fair question and I should have made sure that was clear. I did grow up in Fairfax County, however.

I followed that case closely. Amazing, amazing story, as bad as any publicly funded murder I’ve ever heard of. That killer was an Alexandria City officer named Carl Stowe, working as a security guard at IHOP. He shot five times into the side of the moving car, yet the prosecutor said he feared for his life and once he

the debate was had. you lost. by a score of roughly Sherman’s March to the Atlantic to nil. your flag commemorates hatred, treason, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of americans in the name of preserving white supremacy. Dylann Roof waved it knowing that you and the entirety of South Carolina stood behind him

Why do you think that is? Of all the beautiful black people out there, you aren’t attracted to one?????

Nah, youve just been conditioned very well by our society.

Nah. You’ve got self-loathing-related cultural hang-ups. I prefer tall guys, but I still date shorter guys, because my ultimate preference is for decent guys and decent comes in all shapes, colors and sizes. What is it about black skin that disgusts you? (the root emotion behind “ewww, ugly” is disgust). Is it limited

Or it’s the effect of internalized racism as a result of being a racial minority growing up in a white supremacist society.

Because white supremacy is part of American culture. The concept in pervasive and inescapable. And, even if you're aware of that, you're still not immune.

If we've reached the point where a penis half-sling is considered acceptable swimwear, can't we just allow people to be nude? I'd much rather see the occasional, unsolicted, beach dick than that horrorshow.