Oh no, all of those people were servants there to entertain you for having a Miata.
Oh no, all of those people were servants there to entertain you for having a Miata.
Jesus Ari, everything about you is connected to money. This is the most classist, education-shaming comment I've ever seen. We get it, you went to college (you're the only one that has done that by the way).
For real, the correct answer is obviously "When they start stinking"
Exactly, as long as they are dealing with a partially white person it's alright not to be sensitive about race and culture is what I've noticed. I always get the feeling that once my "whiteness" has been evaluated they can crack all of the racial jokes and bullshit they want and if I get bothered by it then I'm not…
I know this feeling completely. I am mixed but not dark enough to be in most people's "black category." I feel bad that I actually experience privilege over my black class mates but feel that I can't reach out to them at all.
As a mixed person I can say these small microaggressions are the worst. Being called an oreo even pleasantly is condescending as fuck and you get side eyes from either racial side for the people you hang out with or how you talk. Who else here likes being referred to as "the whitest [insert non white race here] I…
You're very stupid.
There is no court that proves innocence dipshit. The justice system is designed to prove people either guilty or not guilty.
Implying Audra's horrible vibrato and shitty tinny screaming was great
Oh so now you want to brag about how many breasts you've seen. You're coming off as quite pathetic now.
God damn it Ari, I was being sarcastic. I think you need to replace dark with dull, Lord Ari.
Oh, I thought we were pals.
I think it has more to do with people growing up with money. I know plenty of extremely wealthy folk that grew up poor and their sensibilities still portray poorness.
Christ Ari, stop appropriating Christmas. We all know you are a Jew.
Why should we hope she has cited better evidence and reasoning? These men are the alleged victims of sexual harassment and discrimination and she sounds like an asshole. I thought it was generally bad form to side with the alleged perpetrator of the crime when it comes to gendered situations like this.
You've had some good sex but I don't know about the best sex if you feel what I'm saying, I can help you with that though gurl.
What about the attractive people that want this treatment? Maybe you all should be a bit more inclusive.
Ay, baby, no need to be bitter and cynical. I can show you whatchu been missin'.
I like where your mind's at.
That blender will definitely make up for it.