
Yeah, I was going to comment that is the most 'Murican Russian I have ever seen, when I saw the Dale Jr. livery on his rig.

I definitely agree with you that this guy is really smart, but on the other hand, I wouldn't want a mouth breathing moron on the other end of the line in an emergency situation like the ones described.

Alternate Title: How to make your life miserable at the airport.

Python: Piss off I'm full!

This is actually a problem in Florida, there is a large invasive python population, and the aligators and pythons are pretty evenly matched, sometimes the aligator wins, sometimes the snake. But like you alluded to, I have seen pictures of a python that attempted to eat an aligator, but the claws of the aligator

So cool, looks like a wrangler and a sidekick GOT..IT..ON!

So in one sentence you are condemning Obama, I am assuming because of his "Socialist" agenda, then you are wanting oil companies to sell you gas under market value, which sounds very Socialist/Communist to me. You can't have it both ways. Also, the President has pretty much nothing to do with gas prices, a President

You know what? Since you guys can't come to an agreement, NO ONE is allowed to use gif's anymore! How about that? You happy?

Sure they look cool, but can you imagine this truck trying to overtake another one like it going .1 mph faster than the other. It would take forever. Trains and short haul trucks I think are the best solution here. Our highways would be less clogged and torn up, and trains are much more efficient at moving freight

(Meniacal Laugh) HA HA HA I am Lucas Electrics...The Prince of Darkness!!

Then the developers were like F—- this guy, hit him with everything we got, and a huge box destroys him.

Growing up, I had my fair share of spankings, and looking back, I deserved them. I am not against corporal punishment, but I haven’t used it for several years on either of my children. When I do use it, I have only applied a smack to the bottom. I haven’t pulled ears, or smacked the kid in the face, I don’t think

Think of the guy as a bottle of soda that has been shaken up. If you open it too fast, all the bubbles come out quickly and overflow the bottle. That would reperesent his blood. The hyperbaric chamber starts at a high pressure, and slowly reduces pressure until you are back to atmospheric, allowing your body to

You do realize the Chinese landing site is over 1000 km from the nearest Apollo landing site right?

I know I am late to the conversation, but I would have to agree. Graverobber has been the guy that has kept me coming back through all of the Jalopnik/Gawker changes no matter how annoying.

What we now call the middle east was the academic center of the world for 1000's of years. Civilization was born there, and it was a strategic point for trade between the east and west. And yes population did help to spread religion.

Yeah, I have to agree. That is one of my pet peeves on Craigslist. If you aren't going to up front about the price, I don't want to deal with you. CP just for that.

I think maybe your definition of classic needs to be refined, because I saw a CRX in there. I would consider that a modern classic. Maybe 40 years old should be the cutoff for this flow chart, and make another one for newer classics. That would make more sense, and you wouldn't have to leave off so many of the cars

Biggest lie in the apple industry?...Red Delicious. Sure they are red, but they are far from delicious.