
Bacon tastes gooood, pork chops taste gooood.

Unless you are fishing for some strange on the side. Which is the vibe I got from the pictures.

Rollin' Coal!! Murica F-Yeah!!

It is pretty confusing, but first thing you can do to bring some order to the maddness is to visit '' that will put the articles in order of newness. As far as I understand OppositeLock, is just an area where you can talk about anything with fellow Jalopnik's. The other blogs I think you are

Having an air bag deploy in an accident I was involved in, I am going to bet it was the air bags, they smell like burning, and they burn your lungs to boot.

How did the original Blacktron not get a mention? They were the baddest space mini-figs in the universe. They were so cool, the other mini-figs were jealous, and forced lego to redesign them to a cartoony second gen blacktron with a big B on their chest. It is the Man holding the Blacktron fig down!!

No, these cars wern't imported to the US. Grey market comes from the fact that you as an individual could import one (were not black market ie. illegal), if you jumped through a lot of hoops, or were a diplomat. Grey market cars of this vintage are desirable because they have the better euro styling, which includes

Thank you, I picked up on his mistake also, and I agree with you, he is not looking at the same problem his second time through.

When the guy in the comercial pulled out the wax cylinder, I was hoping in my heart of hearts that they would do a spoof on this clip. Sadly it didn't happen.

That yellow bar is an engine leveler, you would use it with your engine hoist to help angle the engine to get it in the car more easily. It shouldn't be on a car that is running. I hope this is just a picture of the swap, and not indicating that you need to complete the swap, because I would change my vote in that

Maybe even better, since you won't look like a child with your fingers in your ears, lean in real close to the person you are trying to talk to, and speak in at a normal volume. Bonus, you get to get close to the girl/guy you are flirting with. But yeah, ear plugs are probably the best solution here.

I think you mean 1.4 micrograms. 1.4 grams is a lot in terms of crap stuck to your body.

Anyone who doesn't vote nice price on this has no soul. Rule 1 of NPOCP if it is less than 1000 and runs it is automatic nice price, unless it comes with dead hookers in the trunk. It is rear wheel drive, V8, it is automatic, but this isn't a performance car, but you can go 30mph in reverse, which should assist with

I think it might keep you from shocking the $#!t out of yourself when you get out of the car in winter, and since Russia is 99.999% winter it could be useful. SF bay area...not so much.

Since we are on the subject of obscuring things. Why is it in car comercials they use what apppears to be a real stamped license plate that is painted the color of the body. Why wouldn't they just use a blank plate, or better yet a vanity plate with the name of the car or car company on it? I always found this

You think you hate it now, wait until you drive it.

Doesn't exist. North Vernon, Indiana.

Love the car. I have fond memories of pine wood derby's gone by. I wish you luck, and hope that thing tracks straight.

How did everyone miss the Ferrari F40?