Can I finally get out of the grey?
Can I finally get out of the grey?
Clearly, you do not understand how shipping works; canon is irrelevant.
Vaguely spoilerish ...
I absolutely love her commitment to this fantasy. I hope it works out for her. But the fan in me feels that if she wanted a passionate lover, she'd want more of a Tyrion Lannister.
Yeah, Stefon wouldn't transition well to a film. As hilarious as the character is, he's kind of one note.
I read an article on Vulture where Josh Malina (Rosen) said that Kerry Washington uses "Amazeballs" frequently in cast emails. Any grown woman that poised and that beautiful who says "Amazeballs" deserves an award for her level of awesomeness.
Aaaaand girl crush activated. As if it wasn't already.
As an American in the UK, I was shocked at how *massively* popular she is here. It's like she's the only good thing to come out of the colonies ever.
She looks so effortlessly glamorous that sometimes it disgusts me. I mean that in the best possible way.
Here, here. Enough with the damn celebrity worship!
Gorgeous! I love the subtle shimmer. Not normally a fan of "nude" shoes, but they work here because they're not the color of silly putty and because there's some contrast. Her makeup is really nice too. Her blush is perfect!
If any woman doesn't want to give a blow-job for xyz reason, that's fine. No one has to perform any sex act for any reason.
Last night I got so smashed that I seriously created a KERRY WASHINGTON file on my laptop. 500 pictures of Kerry Washington was the most amazing thing to wake up to.
Vaginae. YES.
But I thought even if you were doing an impression and not making fun of it's still going to make you a super racist always and forever.
Ughk. Bang maintenance is SO hard. They're always, "I'm over here! No wait! I'm all weird and split in the middle!" And they require SO much mirror checking! Is that just my hair?
Maybe, for extra assholishness, they can fire a Women's Studies professor to make the dough back.
Whatever, I own tons of shit from modcloth. Most of their stuff is really cute!
hah, I'm so with you! I would much rather a lipstick called, like, Give-Me-Head Red than this Virgin stuff. Not so original, anyway.