
Sitegrave's Pass on old Rt 66 in Arizona.

Is $60 large enough? Plus it has to be enforced to be effective.

Correction. Inattentive driving nearly causes a fatal car/motorcycle crash.

The classic BBS BSX wheel

After a while you get use to it. I kinda miss the train horns now they have converted all the crossing to quiet ones.

Noticed more of the Left Lane for Passing Only signs on my last trip down I-20 from Dallas to Shreveport. Odd thing signs are on the right hand side of the road where the inattentive driver in the left lane would not notice them.

There is no fear of loosing your license in this country because it is so rarely done.

Looks like a big version of a few Tamiya RC cars.

Expect to see him off the wagon again pretty soon.

That stretch of I-15 in Arizona gets fun to drive for a while.

Some of the modern cars get better mileage at 75 than 65 or even 55. It is just the way they are geared.

I live in Grand Prairie and I want a good idea what this car is, so I can help find it.

BMW: We are not a cactus, our pricks are on the inside.

Versus drunk wrapping it around a tree, bridge abutment, another car, etc. yourself.

I was thinking she might have a nice butt, if she wasn't so psycho.

I think I've seen better flying inverted W dismounts thou.

The police rider that I know in my town (Grand Prairie, TX) ride with leather or other protective jackets. The couple that I attend church with are also ride personal bikes in their off time.

Doesn't have to worry about gas tank from a rear end collision with this setup, just have to worry about the car breaking in half from a speed bump.

So they stole the design from elsewhere. Seems to be a familar trend with them.

Pull your head out so you know that you are not the only one on the road and are not any more important that everyone else.