
Big round end like an egg and the color is Egg Yolk

@adeft: douchebaggery begets douchbaggery

I'm sure there are some Trocar clubs that would want to get ahold of that.

Problem: Backing up over stuff

4 paw drive in hi-range

The Goody's Dash Series

Funny how all the people that bash NASCAR always have to make a comment about a NASCAR story. Sounds like a bunch of closet fans.

He just wants a piece of Jeffy Gordon

@TheAntiCat: Think I'll keep my 85 F-150 with the SBF 302 HO around thank you.

@HortonHearsAHoon: 60 is scary enough on a road bike on those skinny tires.

@Skink: I never posted any photos of my do now. The one in the photo appears to the the non-evil twin of my dog.

Looks like one of my dogs, minus the snarling and acting like she wants to eat anybody walking within 100 feet

I seen nothing to worry about, just a couple of Chevys doing that Chevys do.

Been looking to replace the whimpy horn on the Sorento. I think an ol'timey horn would be better.

This and my 302HO sitting in the truck outback would make a nice combination.

Mr. Bay continues to show how much of a whore he can be.

Kind of forgot to mention Lime Creek Road for the Central Texas drive. Seeing as you are passing the end of it on the route, might as well run it too.

My 302 HO powered 85 F-150. Straightline yes, turns not so much.

Dragon? I think I know the kid that might have done this.