
This seems like a weird place to judge people based on their interests.

Officer: “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

Well I will send an email to Ford to cancel the whole project then. “Scrap it, boys. There’s a guy on the internet who only hauls stuff in his 2WD speed bump scraper, so no need for the Raptor.”

Braking distance comparison?

Boy I hope this guy gets a nice bill in the mail. The rest of us should not have to pay for this blatant stupidity...

I’ve always thought this was the correct placement as well. Though the real correct placement for them is at the bottom of the trash bin.

Nah. At this rate, I don’t think we’re gonna get there. Future warlords in a smoking, cratered hellscape, maybe!

When you’re mom’s all like “I don’t want you buying a motorcycle Timmy, they’re not safe” and you buy one anyways, so she runs you over just to prove a point.

She’s cute.

20 Minutes. My rapist took only about 15. That was >40 years ago, and I’ve never forgotten. These rapists think they are blameless. It only took 20 minutes, why is the rest of my life in ruins. BECAUSE THE REST OF MINE IS RUINED. POS

Some people say that there’s a Wookie to blame...

Can’t say he didn’t earn that beating. Odor rocked him, and maybe next time Bautista will think twice before trying to end someone’s season.

You shouldn’t like him at all, that slide was dirty as fuck

I like Jose Bautista quite a bit, but apparently I like him getting punched in the face even more.

Now, THOSE Chevy ads are the absolute worst! Put these airheads with the Malibu next to an Audi, or BMW, or Mercedes. Then drive each one. Now see if they still prefer the Malibu.

I personally like how Chevrolet thinks the LTE based wifi is the biggest feature their cars have. First, it’s basically saying the best thing about their cars is everything that ISN’T in the car. Second, while it is going to get better reception because the antenna will be more capable than the one in your phone, it’s

I think I saw a picture of a winter once. Might have been shopped though.

What are winter tires?