
I had tried to start a charity that repurposed old cell phones for use in hospitals for people who couldn't afford phones of any sort (would use wifi calling and texting), but I had legal issues with the whole thing and school and college apps consumed most of the time.

while I still think it was a doucey thing to do, they had some valid points. Ms and Sony are nickel and timing people for crapy online service and do t have sufficient servers even though they are making more than enough money.not paying taxes (that is true) is also a terrible business practice in the us.

I agree with the rest of the people here. If they want to get healthcare, they should be trying to use their own obamacare that they passed without even taking the consent of the public. So far, among people who can afford their own healthcare, there is an extreme disapproval rating of the current plans for Obamacare.

So a question for all the peeps out there, anyone have some opinions on the m95? Someone broke my mouse that I have been using (and loved) for two years. It is very similar to this one:…

I just bought the chromecast recently and can see how this thing gets so much use. Now that you can stream your phone's screen to the tv, it does change things up a bit. Plus the availability of free movies and tv shows does make it much better. Highly recommend it over roku.


Chromebooks have offline capability, just saying, the only thing you really can't do without the internet now is browsing the internet -_-

If you want to put it that way, then yes, I do. Because I can all (well most of) my office work on gdocs, manage email, play youtube videos, watch movies (downloaded or online), play basic games, manage facebook. I don't exactly see where the problem is with that because it fits the needs. I don't expect any programs

Don't really quite understand what the whole hate on chromebooks is. I have one and it meets most of my needs. Nearly everything that I do is online. I don't see the need for a dedicated client for something like facebook because you can always just leave the tab open and switch back to it at any time. I think that

I think what he is actually trying to say is that people are being prescribed these medicines so that *when* they overdose, they can just save themselves. This doesn't exactly solve the problem that is present in the situation, it actually tends to promote it.

The extra 4gb of ram will definitely come in handy if you are opening many tabs, but if you are only doing something like 5 tabs or so, it will be fine. I have 2gb on mine and open around 20 tabs, but there are slight hitches here and there as a result.

Thought I would put this out there for all the people who are considering buying a chromebook. Just open up chrome, try to use the built in apps and store and google docs to get everything done. If you can get everything done, a chromebook is great for you. If not, you are better off sticking with a windows computer.

I have the acer c720 and can honestly say that a chromebook with 2gb of ram is going to perform like a windows computer with 4gb of ram or so. I have the acer c720 and it only has 2gb of ram. Everything runs fine until you start hitting the range of around 20 tabs and then it begins to slow down. I happen to do a lot

I received a chromebook through my school so I can kind of comment a little on this in an unbiased manner. I have the c720 and tend to like the thing. While the keyboard is shallow and hollow especially if coming from a scissor switch keyboard, I found that after maybe a week of typing on it I actually tend to prefer

For the love of all that is holy, they did the same thing with the moto x. It is for when the power supply is not strong enough to turn on the screen when the battery is low, but it is still charging (typically when connected to a computer.)

So to all the kotaku'ers out there, what is the best TV I can get under 250 on black friday (Excluding the walmart and bestbuy doorbusters) because I want something to watch movies on from my computer.

So to all the kotaku'ers out there, what is the best TV I can get under 250 on black friday (Excluding the walmart

I can say that I can recognize not so much the artifacts, but the sound depth and how different it is between the two.

So I got four in five using the speakers on a chromebook (acer c720). Does that I mean I can hear the difference even on shitty speakers? I sure hope so and not that the company is lying.

I hate when they do that stuff because it takes me from thanksgiving for no real reason. People. Let people stay home until around nine (worker included, have everything set up before hand), and then open the place up at midnight or later. None of this 5pm thanksgiving bs.

I have to say to everyone who says that prices will be cheaper in February, tell me where I can find a 50" tv for less than 250