
I don't think that the millenial over here seems to realize that the conveniences of a smartphone are amazing. There is no reason to drop back. YOU Control you're smartphone, not others, and therefore you don't have to become absorbed into. Jesus. These people can't handle self control anymore can they?

I swear, I thought this was how all aerosol cans already worked since they banned most of the propellants

I would have to say that I don't find voice control as good as many say it is, and I have a moto x so.... Also, try scissor switch keyboards, they are better than mechanical keyboards imho too.

I have that same exact bloody mouse from perixx. Also I like the layout for everything, except for the feet. They are not slick enough in my opinion.

Most of the ones that I have seen use a mini pcie based ssd

firstly, you can shut off prism if you root the device. That is pretty easy to do luckily. Secondly I have never noticed any issues with prism on my n7 2012 and therefore have never had a reason to turn it off. The sound issue is present on all e!ulators that run more recent games. This is a result of having to remake

that I sincerky doubt. Many people have an adreno 320 or above. Seriously, there are a lot less ghetto android phones in use than what people say, especially considering how the iPad is not the workhorse people proclaim it as. I mean I still use my optimus s.... As a clock

the amount of piracy on android is surprisingly low compared to what you might think. I believe no android love is because they are going to try and charge 20-30 dollars for this. Side note: the controls are hard enough to use on PC becausebof having to rapidly switch between weapons and plasmids, SK I don't see how

This reminded me of a combination of pariah and halo. Here's to this being more like quake.

There is only the lap bar, no 4 point harness.

The fast pass thing is essentially legalized extortion. Like the russian police system where you can pay to get "quicker" resolutions of your problems, the fast pass is essentially paying to have cedar point overlook you cutting in line. You have to buy the ticket (usually forty five usd) and then the fast pass for a

Cedar point does exactly the same thing with a bunch of russians, but I met a worker from akron studying biochem. He was pretty cool.

Also, magnum had cracks in the track but they were still running it while welding it.

I sh*t you not, we were there on tuesday and in line for skyhawk we were saying how much it would suck if one of the cables broke, but we concluded it was much more likely on power tower. That is pure irony.

So work question. I have a nexus 7 2012 32gb. It is staying to get slow. Should I get the shelf tablet or wait until next year. I am looking for long battery life, good having performance, and overall a device that would let a long time (3-4 years, my n7 is so slow)

I must admit, these things are damn interesting. Would love to see one in action and engineer one.

It is because they are using a built in vpn, which. is. amazing.

not many phones support it, and it uses more power, but that would be a good idea

make it a quarter a charge so if you want the USB to open up you have to pay?

Don't know about you guys, but I didn't buy anything on the steam sale this year

Don't know about you guys, but I didn't buy anything on the steam sale this year