
i really liked homefront and thought the multiplayer was a lot of fun and was innovative. The story was garbage, but I didn't buy it for the story.

Hey guys, just got an ax1200 psu for free, but without any cables (its modular) anyone know where the best place to get these cables is?

It does if you have a case ;)

A little off topic, but what I think many people are missing is the pure ease of use of the moto x. I considered myself a power user (overclocking phones, zipping an unzipping large files on the video, basic mobile video editing) and while having the moto x for 7 months, I have had nary a problem except for slightly

I don't understand all the obsession with apple cables. Everyone I know has some kind of broken apple cable in their home (given that they have an apple product). I have had microusb cables for years and only the one from my original nexus 7 had an issue with the connector. Everyone I know is having these crazy cord

That was exactly my idea. I loved those things.

I hate to say it but I couldn't bother reading past the first bullet point. A lack of job availability in this country is far from the current conditions. If you actually look at it, many jobs are open, people just refuse to take them. So until all of those jobs are gone, I am going to keep the mindset that there are

Nope nope nope nope. It doesn't matter how many people are vaccinated for things like whooping cough. Some viruses can remain dormant for years on various things. It essentially is caused by the body not developing the antibodies that it is supposed to for thing like whooping cough when they receive a vaccine. More

You might actually be surprised because illegal immigrants still have to pay taxes that go towards things like funding healthcare, yet they receive none of the benefits that their tax dollars go to work for.

I am not against vaccines, but I am against thimerosol in vaccines. This is essential a variation of mercury that is put in vaccines to kill anything that lives in the vaccine formula. This could totally be avoided if vaccines were packaged individually, but big corporations don't want to use mercury free shots

How does one dance (fast paced , not ballroom dancing) if said person is the epitome of bad dancers? Tips/ tricks always appreciated

i hate to say it but I don't see the big deal with macs. Small ui changes mean nothing when I can't drag a window to split screen.

They shall never take that away. That is my favorite part of the pen, but seriously those are wax

aquafresh is a really good toothpaste that foams up and whitens teeth very well. Surprised that any toothpaste has plastic in it.

acne gets worse if you use this stuff everyday. It is only meant to be used once a week because otherwise it is too abrasive on your skin and actually causes microscratcbes that are safe havens for acne bacteria.

also for all the people that still want these kinds of scrubs, use the apricot based scrubs. The shells are biodegradable and wont harm the environment like plastic.

people amaze me sometimes. Zooplankton are irrelevant in this discussion. If you filter the waste water on the way out, why do you need to worry about the zooplankton. They only exist in the opemn water, while a small portion that is insignificant live in the water treatment plant. Also, living on the great lakes I

What are they talking about this being new. My school already has had this exact projector for a year or so. If need be, I will take pictures of it.

I was able to see some cadavers. Some of them had mesothelioma (but does of brain aneurisms ). Wasn't a very pretty condition. The lining of the lungs actually becomes much thicker and fuses to the walls of the chest cavity preventing the person from breathing. Quite horid if you imagine it.