
It is infuriating that no one seems to mention the real reason why birth control primarily exists for women. Women have periods of fertility and infertility that can be easily controlled with hormones, whereas males regularly fertile. Controlling male fertility is very simple, as it revolves around one hormone, but

Ad hominem and genetic fallacies in one article. Nice...

Because it is relatively centrally located to many large populace centers of the US, land is cheap, has access to water, plenty of land in the surrounding area that is already cleared and leveled to build what they want, multiple amazon warehouses in Ohio, Cleveland is a developing city so the land value will likely

No they most certainly have been going up in occurrence for myself too. I wonder if there is something that changed the production at one of the main ground beef manufacturers that is causing thsi.

So, it seems as though the people who wrote this article or conducted the investigation have never had these salisbury steaks to begin with. They have always had bones mixed throughout, and I guess you just dealt with them. I’m surprised that they are now coming around to the idea that there should be bones in the

As a person who just got back from a trip in LA, I would definitely say that this heat problem is more of a petty thing. Seriously, so many other places in the country (being from Ohio, it feels hotter in Ohio) have it worse due to the humidity in combination with the rising temperatures. The main thing I found to be

Holy mother of screen burn in, why would anyone put that on a laptop

Check out the sony smartwatch 3 if your looking for something pebbleesque, The transflective display is similar to the pebble round, except that the colors are much better and the backlight is cleaner. Also it is pretty durable and you get two days of battery life or more out of the thing. Plus you can get it for

I assure it was more than 80 students. There was at least 20 people in my psych 1100 class that was in this study, and that is one out of like 15 psych 1100 classes. There were many more participants

Haha, I was in this. I can’t say their findings were all that conclusive. The main issue that I see is that their main group of participants were freshmen and sophomores (usually) taking psych 1100 and psych 1200 have to do something called rep where they have to participate in these studies for at least 7 hours

I’m not going to lie, this is basically how we feel 99 percent of the time. Being a stem major sucks and you just want to get run over by a bus.

A computer takes up about two cubic feet. I currently have a 40 inch tv, an e-atx computer case, 24 inch monitor, and a 19.5 inch monitor. I have no issues with space what so ever and actually have more space than other people. I also use a chromebook for mobile things.

I don’t think that the asses on here realize how much of a god send these things are for college students who can’t have cars on campus and live in a large city. Seriously, they help out a ton and actually serve a purpose. Especially when in a dorm, they are easier to store than bikes.

I think I support the other purchases that were on the website, but yeah the vibrator for 3k, probably not.

At 1:32:30 he says he would sell it for like 5k, nope, that ain’t happening now.

So can someone explain shipping insurance for me? I understand how it functions, but why in the f*ck am i paying for insurance on an item that I paid to ship. It is their responsibility to deliver to me, otherwise what did I pay them for?

I’m a little late to the part here, but I absolutely hate oled screens until they are able to not have any kind of burn in. Even while trying to use things to reduce the burn in on oled screens, I still have some on my moto x. This is the perfect phone for me because it would totally fuck me over having to use an oled

I tell everyone the same fucking thing and no one believes me.

I’m at OSU and ask we have is canes. I miss chick fila

When you.really look at it, humans are like a cancer spreading and taking over way too much