@Nahir: It's a tragedy. It's OK to be upset.
@Nahir: It's a tragedy. It's OK to be upset.
@Kicken: It doesn't really matter does it?
@GrandmasterYoda: I agree that the Apache was in no real danger.
@Gruntybreath: You may be right. Sadly the world isn't as black and white as you present it to be. Nothing is really.
@TheTonyShow: I still say we try to negotiate. Better to exhaust all avenues first.
@SycoJack: Certainly not. If we are fired upon first then return fire is fully justifiable. Al Qeada brought down our towers first, without provocation. Fuck those guys.
@Chicken Pawks: Rationalization is the king of all coping mechanisms.
@Fernando Jorge: As a layman myself I would have waited all day before firing. It looked like that man had a camera to me, but I'm safe at home watching a video on the internet, not in an Apache where that extra second could be the difference between life and death.
@Gruntybreath: If that's how you feel then run for office and make a positive change. Vote every chance you get against war measures. I do, by voting for candidates who I feel will not lead my country into war.
@Beardbeardly: I have never killed a man. I have never shot at a man. I do know soldiers that have, and have had the opportunity to speak at length with them.
@Kicken: I would have protected my soldiers by covering it up to.
@Gruntybreath: They're a product of today's military. Spend some time with soldiers some time. Real soldiers who have killed, and you'll quickly find out that they've been trained to kill without feeling or thought (at least in that situation). Like it or not this is the exact attitude that real people, real people…
@AncientUnknown1: Agreed. Diplomacy needs to be the first route, all the time. War should be a last resort in all situations.
@Gruntybreath: Yup, looks like they were looking for weapons before engaging and followed their engagement protocols.
What exactly did this organization think happened in a WAR?
@Guizzy: Not everyone has political opinions. In fact, most people don't. Scientists in particular care about one thing and one thing only, their research.
@Chrysolite: I guess I was contrasing against XIII, which has no difficulty curve to speak of.
@Relysis: Uncharted usually gets a thumbs up from my significant other.
@secretpizzaparty: I empathize with you on the embarrassment. I don't think it's the fact that they don't 'get it' though. I think the real issue here is having to spend 20+ hours with the game before you stop hating it.
@Relysis: Agreed, and well delivered.