
@gold163 (° д° ): I'm sure the millions of angry fans would be outraged...if it was still 1996.

@Reminisce: The forced party aspect is similar...and that in and of itself doesn't bother me about XIII. I'm not a huge fan, but it certainly doesn't impede the gameplay, in either game.

@SirBrau: Which is why I think most people crying for blood is just that...the internet crying for blood. This is the same internet that deems Lady GaGa the most influential personal of all TIME.

Haven't played it or pirated it...hey look, I'm part of the solution!

@Jakaricat1: Your language is rather coarse sir, but your point is valid.

@SophieJKL: My guess is their core market is men, and most men generally find it easier to identify with male avatars.

Seems a rather BS reason to not include a girl option. Strap some breasts on a character model, drop the waist size, and BOOM, chick ready.

@jayntampa: This Time article does give a startling amount of credit to the idea that most people just don't deserve the right to vote for anything ever, doesn't it?

Final Fantasy IX was amazing. The pacing, difficulty curve, character development...all fantastic.

@aliw: Can you attach a screen shot?

I'll try to play FFXIII.

@Taggart6: I really like DS, but can't find the time to grind through levels learning the proper path to take.

@aliw: You want to attach Perseus's shield to the lone statue, drag it into the hole on the rising platform, raise it via the crank/switch...then haul ass up the ladder and Golden Fleece the other beam.

@VincentGrey: Yeah, but are the Platinum weapons necessary or is this a 'gotta have em all' scenario.

I know this is really going to sound bad...but it plays like an FF game for simple people...not people that hate grinding or searching for the next point of contact to get the story moving again...straight up people that are too stupid to think beyond 'move in a straight line'.

@Christopher Jones: It makes you wonder why Squinix decided to stop letting 'reality ensue' and decided to make that trainwreck they call Final Fantasy XIII.

@Nudgenudge: I won't be satisfied until they get HL2 to play on two slices of bread.

@Action Fitz: Sadly corporation's rarely view public perception as existing beyond the statements they officially release to the public. They think they can hire a PR guy and keep treating their workers the same way.