It only makes sense that the little girl would be a cannoneer. Who’s better suited to lift cumbersome pieces of metal and deal w/ bone-jarring recoil than a girl whose arms look like spaghetti?
I’ll be honest, that made me chuckle way more than it should have.
I’m not one who widely advocates teleprompters, but there’s something to be said about written speeches. I’ll illustrate via example:
Everytime I see this image I have a ‘Nam style flashback to my youth.
Atlus was bought by Sega 2 years ago, dude.
As much as I like the new Nolan 343 Guilty Spark impression, I still have absolutely no issue with Dinklage’s performance. He was given shit lines to say, and he said them as I expected a robot to say them; with just a hint of emotion. You can only do so much with bad/corny writing, and Dinklage’s deadpan delivery is…
That’s my thoughts, too. If your audience can’t piece together the narrative, have you effectively communicated it? While the content of the narrative might be fantastic, it doesn’t really matter if it’s not put out to the audience in a way they can access it.
Isn’t that true for the beach and little/big brothers/bullies?
Serial Experiments Lain all the way <3
Of course, we all know the popular “Mecha or Ghost of the shell type BS” animes out there: Cowboy Bebop, Serial Experiments Lain, Psycho-Pass, Darker than Black, Trigun, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Space Dandy, etc.