
A particular set of skills, you say?

I would have gone for this one.

Did someone say Death?

If only cool points and the amount of tears he made the viewers shed translated into years in one’s life :/

This guys doesn’t even need an anime version of himself.


Ah, well I can’t say I blame them. More cash for less work? Who WOULDN’T take that deal? Sure, the fanbase would be thankful, but that doesn’t feed your children.

After the devs saying they didn’t know how to port Dark Souls 1 and doing an OK job, I think they did seriously well with DS2. I have no idea why they didn’t port BB. Maybe they saw that PC sales weren’t worth the effort they put in?


Yeah, I can kind of understand it if it was like the case with Dark Souls (when the devs said they had no idea how to port it) or handheld games. Single console exclusives are like releasing Half Life 3 on a Mac and nothing else...

PS4 exclussive :(

That's nice, but unless there's a feature where I can drag Solas' elfy ass back, I don't know if I'll be dropping my cash on launch day...

Alan Davis

I have no will to live, here is my weakspot, please shoot it.

Really? They looked at the design above, thought about how to improve it, and they went, "It's the eyes. It's totally the eyes. Just erase them, yeah? Ohhh, much better."

I had a roommate once who had an audio equivalent of this...

From the words that have been decoded, it's a mixture of medieval and Eastern languages, so it'd be annoying and fruitless. Besides, it's mainly plants and constellations - stuff we're either familiar with or on our way to so.