
Damn, I could use that too...

Meet Mr. Hilter.

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Mandatory for any Assassin's Creed glitch thread.


Repent! The end is nigh!

That little loose strand of hair totally reminded me of Red

The aesthetics really remind me of The Cat Lady

Was the Kotaku fish off for the day?

Keep in mind, in a previous Fatal Frame, you could dress up characters in a bikini with bunny ears. That being said, some players didn't seem all that impressed with the sexualized content in the latest entry.

Before you judge, realize that this book was partly created to help promote safe sex. Not sex with the food, that is.

Don't be fooled into looking at the dude's face. The hair is the main character of this game.

Okay, I'm sorry, but you're not making any sense at all now.

Stereotypical body shapes enhanced. Sure, they're slightly different, for example, the woman (out of 3 men and a walking plant) doesn't have physics-defying T&A, but is instead a pole; the hulky commando has a pea-sized head and an impossible ribcage/chest muscle combo (look at the heavy knight I posted); and the

The character designs remind me of something...

Nothing can match Chibi-Robo. At least for me.

"During development, initially, we had it so the weather could actually impact your character's health," Tanimura said. "But the gameplay wasn't that fun, so we removed that element." Instead, the focus is being thrown into a snowstorm and getting lost in the blizzard.

"I see you have an eye for things."