Most interesting video of cars parking ever? Most interesting video of cars parking ever.
Let's try this again: Bleekemolen, Benny Hillified.
Here you go:
My dad was born there, his parents went to high school there and they/we owned the general store (named after our family) in town many, many years ago. Now we go up to Cross Fork a couple times a month to fish, hunt or just get out of the city for the weekend.
Route 144 from Renovo, PA to Cross Fork, PA. Have a cabin up there and love driving up and over the mountain.
Ok, that makes me feel better. I'd rather it be me who's the idiot than have the event overlook something like that since I really want it to succeed. Especially if we're going to be putting up with the traffic and other headaches for the next few years.
Those are the exact same reasons why I sided with the ALMS cars by the middle of the day Friday. I made the engine-sound decision from 23 stories up, as I was one of the lucky few to be up on the 250 W Pratt balcony (Wells Fargo office); I'd guess that I could see about 60% of the track from there. The sounds up…
I agree with all of that. By day 2, I was far more interested in seeing the ALMS cars on the track than the Indy cars.
You could get stuck there for DAYS.
While that looks like an awesome time, I wouldn't be able to overcome the creeping sensation of feeling like a pizza delivered directly to the sharks' living room.
The traction control present to keep this car from sliding off that hill is astonishing.
Wait a minute. So you're going to stand there, owning a blog, writing "X Tools to Make Y Awesome" lists and not instruct me to bring Sheex Performance Bedsheets? What kind of "X Tools to Make Y Awesome" list is this anyways?