David, how many mechanics work ther-
David, how many mechanics work ther-
Also it would seem that the more of these you buy, the more energy you’d need to save just to offset their cost before ever actually saving any money on all that energy you’re now monitoring.
Also it would seem that the more of these you buy, the more energy you’d need to save just to offset their cost…
In Maryland, it’s the MVA (Motor Vehicle Administration).
I was 11 and the Pirates and baseball were everything to me. I’d met Sid Bream at a Hill’s Department Store autograph session the year or two before, got his autograph, talked to him, picture taken with him ... all that great stuff. So to 11 year old me, that instantly made Bream my favorite player (sorry Andy Van…
I do have the Beta version and you’re right- they must have just added it with the update I just installed because it works now. Thank you for pointing that out!
I just tried it on my Pixel XL, and while it won’t let you exit the app you’ve pinned, it doesn’t stop Little Madison from thumbing around inside the pinned app. Example: the Amazon Prime Video app is what I just tried this on, because it’s the only app that I’ve found the Touch Lock app (locks the screen so your…
Timbuk2 makes diaper bags that look exactly like their messenger bags. Now, the design of their current ones look like they were made with material ready to be hosed down by stray pee, but it’s made by Timbuk2, so you know you can use this thing as you have more than one kid. I have one from 2014 that sort of looks…
$1,864 per month, so $22,368 per year (throws up in own mouth). This is on Long Island, but the price is nearly the same amount (only a few dollars difference) compared to what we paid at the exact same daycare (it’s a national chain) in Baltimore from 3mo-14mo of our son’s time there. I see some parents drop off 2-3…
Since my comment is still in the grays below, I’ll copy/paste it as a reply here since this thread has people who might be interested:
Since my comment is still in the grays below, I’ll copy/paste it as a reply here since this thread has people who…
Backcountry.com’s deal site, Steep and Cheap, is also running a Mountain Hardware sale - some of the same items are cheaper in Steep and Cheap’s sale*, just double check they have the size you want of course. So be sure to check there before buying anything from Backcountry.com’s sale.
Backcountry.com’s deal site, Steep and Cheap, is also running a Mountain Hardware sale - some of the same items are…
Pandora stations are all "sounds like" and "similar artists" to whomever you search for, though. So those soundtracks in particular are on that station for that reason, not because I - or Pandora - misclassified them under the wrong composer/artist.
Intense, driving, orchestral movie soundtrack arrangements (Dark Knight, LotR, etc.). Extremely focusing and no vocals to distract you.
As a Penguins fan, God. Damnit. Three quick shutouts in October should not warrant a new contract. I've looked at the available off-season G options and they're not too terribly encouraging in comparison to MAF, but at least make him wait it out and play all season for his new contract. Or try to sniff around for an…
That's how I got to the download page and tried downloading it to both of my devices. Successfully installed it now. Maybe their servers were jammed.
'Error downloading "CCleaner".'
CCleaner link doesn't work. Here's the real one: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/c…
Of course, Lipnitskaia is professional athlete, not a baby.
I was also at IT! We're, like, best friends now.
Timbuk2 Professor Jacket - LINK
It's actually made for the Kindle Fire, but it also fits the Nexus 7. The Nexus is maybe 3/16" taller and 1/4" thinner though, so you'll notice it fits in slightly off. But it's typical Timbuk2 quality in a soft, folio that flips around and velcros into a stand for typing and viewing.