
@CallMeJordy265: You act like you've never seen a middle-aged teenager before.

@Chernobyl: Except the site would need a more apropos name for that type of activity

@jepzilla: As an architect, that's what we assume all structural engineers say to one other in the break room while complaining about us.

@DadeMurphy: That second set of feet is horribly close...

@Scarred4life: I'm guessing you're not in need of water?

@Ron Hextall's Mustache: No kidding. I read the title, rolled my eyes and cursed aloud at work thinking I was going to have to go back to spending more time in the bathroom. Thankfully, it's Android only.

@Zeni: Select?

@hostile-17: Sure, I'll install another 1.6GB of updates to 9 different programs for the 3rd time this week!

@theloverly: Ah, good call. I hadn't thought that far into the future yet.

I think I just got a- wait- yep, that's a boner.

@Jackstick: Hey, I don't blame you one bit.

@Jackstick: Just add some spikes, long hair and lightning bolts and

@qingdom: They still make CD-R/RW's?

Blue. The color of the future.

Having friends like them would be exhausting.

@zegota: Obviously it's because drinking excessive amounts of Chernobly causes memory loss.