
@Snarktopus: Oh, I've seen her. But she has a wig and cleavage. Did I mention the cleavage?

@typica1cat: Wow. I've never seen a Twelve Head before!

SkyMall: Selling dreams, unicorns and magic since 1990.

@reddingofish: I have a CD-ROM/Floppy Disc combo drive for my circa 1999 laptop. Good to keep that one around.


@khetti: Whatd oyo umea n?

Having worked a few years with (not for) the NSA fighting with their Microstation/AutoCad layering and line standards, I can say I'm not surprised by this Rule Chart in the least.

I'm a Dummy Sticks fan, myself.

I'm usually don't care for anything Steam Punk, but this is pretty incredible.

Best advice: stick to just the first season of their show. The second season was pretty bad in comparison.

@dwight-schrute: Oh, well looky who decided to show up. Mr. Battlestar Galactica himself.

-What kind of bear is best?

@sweetelectro: Sometimes when you're super high...shit gets cryptic.

A hipster says WHAT?

@DrSpaceboots: Good. Hopefully my six packs will overtake my Pecs...cause I don't need those things.