
Be advised ... I turned 40, blinked, and then I was 50 already!

Not to nitpick, but it would be perfect if it worked with touchscreens.

Indded we should list the bigger units first, but including the year. But again, I was refering to your example about how (american) people say dates, not how dates should be listed or filed.

I was not refering to filing system on computers (which indeed should be numerical yyyy-mm-dd), but to your comment "Here we say December 12th" and "ask someone what day they were born. Month/day that's how they will say it". In other parts of the world people say "twelve of December"

My tongue has grown numb trying to convince my coworkers to name their files like that, so they are listed in order, but no sir... most like to name their files like 25feb14.xls, which of course groups all 25 together regardless of month or year, and August comes before February.

It depends on local customs, humanity is not all north-american. I don't think I have ever heard birthdays said that way, but "twelve of December" (not twelfth). The "logical" way would be month first... if months were ordered alphabetically in every language.

Winona was Spock's mother, not Kirk's

Did you notice the realistc looking light saber? Looks like real ionized plasma, like something that can be built. The side beams are stupid, Luke is going to rip his tunic with those.


Precisely what I have thought since it was revealed that there were going to be another AI, Machine and Samaritan "convincing" themselves that they complement each other.

Precisely. I remember reading and ejoying 3001, but can't remember what it was about besides the finding and reviving of Frank Poole. There is no classic to defile there.

I don't really like dogs. But I would like to stop saying "putting down" and call things by their name: "killing".

I lost my father suddenly to cancer, that was 5 years ago but I still reach for the phone to talk to him about whatever I am doing. I miss him badly, but I am grateful for two decades of being close to him.

That very same picture came to my mind inmediately, along with the "ceremonial chant" "Sanitized for your protection". I believe it was in Reader's Digest some time in the 70's.

Why the free hate with the a priori dismissal to Scorpion?

Large solar power farm that power for large scale desalination is called "rain". Now, we need is to control that.

I agree, particularly Android phones ARE remote terminals of Google servers for a lot of functions. All that voice recognition, electronic assistance and turn-by-turn guidance takes place there.

Arthur C. Clarke quote in 3... 2.... 1...

In fact I have those links opened in other tabs, but still have not been able to read them yet. That did not stop me from pleading for more SGxx he hehe