
Ditch all three. Bring back Donna Noble, Nardole or similar. Anyone that’s not permanently in awe of the Doctor and takes none of his/hers nonsense.

And one Capaldi-Clara episode in which the Doctor is presented as a male, white child.
Between that and the TARDIS being already stuck in blue police box mode, I put my money in Doctor Ruth being a future regeneration that for some reason dont remember Doctor Whittaker (and probably others, since sho also didn’t know

First, very good that there are kids these days spotting problems and inventing solutions! But,

Pity about Rosenbaum, his LL was very good. But Jon Cryer’s is superb.

This is ridiculous.

Force ghosts can also appear younger than at the time of death, but that requires help from George Lucas.

It’s difficult to be a sequel, but can be done. The story of prehistoric Earth colonization would be boring, but maybe make it about present day cylons on Earth (Edward James Olmos skinjob?). That’s what BSG 1978 sequel was about.

... recently announced iPhone feature...”
(insert scratch record sound) I was doing that on my Samsung Galaxy S2 ... in 2011.

1: I’m still angry/sad about the easily avoidable death of Airiam, more so just when she started getting a backstory. They could have someone shout “Get a transporter lock on her as soon as she is out of the airlock, and set a containment field around the transporter!”, or at least say “we can’t get a transporter

Agreed. I loved the no-nonsense way it’s clear that Lois is the boss and has Clark eating from her hand. They need their own show.

I would have preferred Batman himself. Bat-whatever-else always strikes me as gimmicks (as Super-whatever-else), and besides, I was always Batman as a child!

As was just pointed out in The Flash previous episode, when she’s not affected by Cicada’s power.

I seem to recall tha Lois Lane called Clark Kent “Smallville” when he was starting to work at The Daily Planet on the 1978 movie.
I liked the way she has him eating from the palm of her hand, that she seems to be the boss ... I’d like a Superman series with these two.

It would have been useful to add “Until disabled” to the sharing periods, to permanently share the location with a parent / child / spouse without the need to re-share every time or install an additional app (and open an additional account with an additional third party).

My sceptic side is clear regarding the physiological origins of most near death experiences, but since most biological phenomena has it’s origin in an evolutionary advantage, I have always wondered what evolutionary advantage could provide those peaceful and reassuring experiences, considering that they ocurr at a

Uh? Was there a confusion about this? I watched SW when I was 17, and it was always clear to me that the trenches were all over the place, including running North-South, specially those leading to the polar exhaust port!
#1 The trench that the Millenium Falcon enters when it is captured es wide, not narrow like the

Is that new? Most of us disco-era people assumed as much, no big deal. I hope someday there is as much need to come out as gay as there is now to come out as left handed or something like that.

Soon ...

So, if this is shipped with a voltage surge protector that effectively (according to the video) protects the computer from spark-level surges, all there is to do is include the protection circutry in the USB port as standard (which come to think of it, this is the way it should have been since day one for every port).

I’m surprised that they named the correct city for the coordinates, at least they checked that.