
As someone who works with adolescents, I concur. 15 looks very young and I actually cannot fathom being attracted to a 15 year old, even if they are very beautiful. 15 is earnest and gangly, like a puppy.  15 is acne and your face still catching up to your nose.  

Claire Foy is 34 and Olivia Coleman is much as I’d like to believe that I haven’t aged in 10 years, the mirror tells me otherwise.  Also, Claire Foy is simply too beautiful to play Elizabeth into her 40s and 50s.  

At least Marie Antoinette had special dairy maid costumes when she went slumming in the fake dairy farm she had build on the grounds of Versailles. Yes, the plain muslin costumes cost more than the average salary of a French peasant, but at least they matched the setting.  Melania has a lot to learn sartorially

As horrifying as this program is, at least it has the potential to save lives as opposed to the other idiotic ideas I’ve heard like arming teachers and janitors with handguns or teaching 1st graders to throw books at armed intruders. What a crazy country! I think the emotional trauma for students learning these

Even more than his most professions you can change companies or positions if you have issues with your boss. The dissertation advisor has control over her students for as long as she lives (and longer). She can effectively black ball him from the profession with a word (or a snide letter of

This family needs to move. Like now. I feel sick thinking about the danger they are in. They need to move quickly like Black families had to move in the 20th century to save their sons from lynching. Their daughter is in danger physically and psychologically. There needs to be a gofundme to help them move to

My grandfather had a relationship like that. She definitely did not admire and look up to him, especially as she got older. She ended up being abusive towards him when he was older and infirm and she had lots of affairs right  under his nose. I can’t really blame her, though she took all the family money and caused

Thank you. I tried and it felt like a long slog through tepid WASP phlegm. Not a single character or actor is compelling (well, maybe the mysterious step-mom, but she’s barely on screen). I wanted to slap every character. I just can’t bring myself to watch it, yet it gets so much praise and attention.

I went to a meditation meeting at Against the Stream a couple years ago and it was completely bizarre. A friend told me about it and I thought I’d check it out - I chose a women’s meditation session. There was one other woman who left abruptly when the teacher came in. The teacher/leader looked like she had had a

A lot of treatment centers are for profit. It’s the Wild West with no regulation or standards.

The screenwriter was Ruth Prawer Jhapvala, one of the greats. She was German Jewish, married to an Indian man, and split her time between India, New York, and England.  A Booker prize winning novelist, she was the queen of adaptation for Merchant and ivory.  I think the genius of this film is also due to her

The list of heart attack symptoms is enough to drive anyone crazy. I can sometimes be prone to hypocondria and think, “my back hurts! I’m slightly nauseous! I’m having a heart attack!” And it turns out that I overdid it in Pilates and shouldn’t have eaten that questionable airport sushi. It’s not fair that heart

I would settle for a hollow toe.

Just thinking about how until my late 20s I could eat ALL the carbs and never gain weight.  No one needs to be policing the chocolate ice cream eating of 15 year olds.  I hate this article in so many ways.  Girl is 15!  She’s a high school sophomore!! She hasn’t even taken the PSAT or had time to think about who she

Reminds me of And Lee’s film, The Wedding Banquet about a gay Chinese man who stages a fake wedding to get his parents to back off.  The bride is an artist who needs a green card.  It’s a pretty good movie as I recall.

Academic talent and literary talent aren't related.  If they were, more English professors would write novels.  I was shocked to discover in grad school how unrelated they are....

When oh when will the barn door trend die? Especially barn doors over bathrooms? (No insulation...ick) I just know that people 20 years hence will be ripping them out like we rip out 90s soffits and paisley wallpaper.

Trump is wildly unpopular in most of Europe, rich white dudes included. And Harry belongs to an international elite in which fluid borders are a good thing. You don’t want your foreign aristocratic and oligarch pals to have problems maintaining a flat in London or moving from country to country with the party season.

I’ve seen it at Marshall’s - very polyester basic and poorly made. I wouldn’t buy it on deep discount.

I feel great sympathy for the families, but those “what if...” questions will do nothing but make you crazy. What if my loved one had a cold that night and stayed home? What if he had been standing somewhere else? What if the security guard had shot the assailant? You can’t rewind time and change the events. No