
Do the actors in these things actually drink? Or are they actually just acting? I can’t tell.

I think Bush was responsible for thousands, if not millions, of deaths in the Middle East. But, yeah, his daughters seem okay. I kind of liked Laura as a librarian, thought I can’t excuse her for being complicit with her husband’s government. Trump and all his kids and wives are loathsome.

I don’t think she’s preventing younger people from running for office, though. I agree we need them desperately. I just don’t think Hillary needs to disappear or kill herself for that to happen. She’d not stopping the next rising star. I’m not sure who it is, but I am hoping and praying that someone will step

I’m trying to muster up some sympathy for Ivanka as a human, but it’s hard. I met Chelsea Clinton a few times and it always struck me that she was doing the best she could with unwanted celebrity. She is a very smart and dignified person. Apparently, she and Ivanka were friends, though I imagine that’s not going

“I’m not sexist, I just don’t like uppity women! She talks like she has the answers! She sounds smart! She’s too arrogant and she’s not relatable.” I’m see that reflected in a lot of comments.

How exactly could she “move on?” Unless she retreats into a nunnery or dies, people will scrutinize everything she does or says or does not say. She can’t win. She’s not running again so maybe we should just let her have her book deal and we, as a people, should move on from blaming her for a giant systematic

As somebody who has a mom who thinks of herself as a “best friend” I couldn’t star this more. It rang my danger bells too! I love my mom but it is a huge burden to be asked to fulfill all of your parent’s emotional needs. This is not a healthy dynamic.

I can’t remember the names of any former treasury secretaries, not to mention their wives. Why do these people think they should be famous and flying around in private jets?

That’s exactly why the help are powerful. Ivanka and Jared don’t see them. But the ladies who clean their houses and change their kids diapers sure as hell see them.   

You have to know that Ivanka’s nannies have ALL the dirt. I hope they use it to leverage higher wages.

the funny thing is that the super wealthy don’t realize the rest of us are laughing at them. I guarantee their Latina maids are making really witty trenchant comments about them at home to their Dreamer kids.

I look forward to reading your novel.

I bathe in the world of the stark and the real everyday. It really keeps your pores clear.

Yeah, I thought that too! I hope some dim clueless right wing nut doesn’t target that woman. I’m pro-choice and I’d be pissed in her position. This is a very personal and sensitive choice. Don’t use a random photo of a woman you know nothing about!

Next time you are near a good French bakery, try one. They’re so, so good.

Unfortunately, I think that’s just early training for later relationships. It’s like kids who “play house” or pretend to work. You have to do a lot of practice if you want to get it right later. I think adults can help regulate bullying, but it is both impossible and undesirable to stamp out conflict. Kids have to

So the male headmaster thinks there is something inherently wrong about how girls form friendships....hmmm. Gee, I wonder if there are any other examples of typical male social patterns being held up as the norm and ideal? My experience is that you really can’t legislate and control emotional attachments, even in

Dying of a heart attack at the age of 82 in Paris with your life partner at your side is a pretty good death. It would have been better at 92, but still....the only better death I can think of is a family friend who died in his 90s of a heart attack on a Caribbean beach. He was snorkeling with his new girlfriend (in

But Pain aux raisin comes in an appealing spiral shape that you can slowly unfurl to get at the delicious and moist’s kind of like cinnamon buns, but with raisins and no icing. Not that I am obsessed with it or anything.

What is this about kids not being allowed to have best friends? Is this a thing now? It horrifies me as an introvert who has always had one or two intimate, dear friends. I’m still traumatized by my 5th grade teacher’s crusade to make me and my BFF at the time stop socializing with each other at recess and mingle